A School Problem (Chapter 1)

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    As your running for your life you can't help but to say to yourself, "I had to wake up today."  Weird things have always happened to you, but none compared to this. You and (b/f/n) were just enjoying your lunch when Chris Dayton, a brown haired jock, came up to your table and pulled your hair. Fuming, you say "What do you want Chris?" 

"Your lunch."

"And?" You say, knowing there's always something else.

"That bracelet of yours." He adds, curling his lip.

No! Not my bracelet! That was the only thing your dad has given you, before he left. You never knew your father, and your mom couldn't bring it to herself to say anything, so you never asked(though you've been dying to!). 

"Not happening!" You growl back. You didn't care when he tugged your hair harder, threatening to yank it off. 

Then you suddenly let out a scream when he held a knife to your throat. " If you don't give me what I desire right now, I'll slit your throat demigod!" He had to be bluffing, he wasn't going to go that far for a...wait a minute, demigod? 'What did you call me?' you were about to ask when suddenly you heard a grunt and something fall on the floor. You quickly whip around to see your other best friend, David Write, punching the heck out of Chris. David was an orphan,, but he didn't look like one. He had wild brown hair with green eyes, he usually wore jeans and a hoodie. You just watched for a moment when you came to your senses, "David, I think you've done enough thank you." At the sound of your voice he turned around and hugged you tightly, " are you ok Y/n?" He asks you quietly. "I'm ok..uh..thank you for saving my head." You said with a smile. You pulled apart and looked at a shocked (b/f/n). What's the matter you said, following her gaze...

You looked behind you to see Chris rising, only he didn't look like Chris. He grins evilly as he rose from the ground, then off the ground..

" A storm spirit!" David gasps right next to you. 

"I shall rip and tear you demigods apart! Then feed your flesh to Tartarus!" Shrieked the storm spirit.

You were so surprised you hardly noticed the high schoolers screaming and running away, you didn't even know what to do. Then suddenly you noticed your friend Zion Middlestone( when did he come in?) trying to get your attention. Zion was a very jumpy person who laughs a lot, mostly when he's nervous. He had wild curly hair he usually keeps hidden under a cap or beanie. He's a T-shirt person and he too wears jeans and a pair of sneakers, which he always blames his clumsiness on.

"Y/n!" He blurted out, " your bracelet! The middle charm!" 

You looked down at your bracelet, doubting it, though you double tap the middle charm (a sun) and it suddenly transforms into a beautiful bow. You noticed the end charm was glowing, you double tap that one too, to see it transfer into a quiver full of arrows. They had a bronze tip. Suddenly your instincts take over as adrenaline coarses through your body. You quickly draw an arrow, place it to the bow, draw back and let it go. It sailed through the air heading straight towards Chris's face, when then Chris yelled out in pain as an arrow protruded from his forehead. 

"This isn't the end demigod, when I arise again you will regret it!" He yelled before he slowly crumbled to golden dust. You just looked on, stunned. What. Just. Happened.

"Y/n? Are you ok?!" Your friends run up to you pulling you into a hug. "Can't...Breath!" You managed to stutter out. When they let you go, you looked down at your bow and quiver. Instinctively you crossed the bow and your quiver to make an x, you looked down again to see a full bracelet around your wrist. When you came back to your senses, the first thing you asks is "why was he referring to us as demigods?" not expecting an answer. Surprisingly Zion answered, "I'll explain later, but first I need to take you to a safe place."

You look up to see his face to make sure he was joking when you notice that his usual cap he wears was off and two little bumps on top of his head were visible. David noticed you've seen something and followed your gaze, "your a satyr!" he exclaims! Seriously! How does he know these things without flipping out like me! You were so confused that your brain couldn't take it anymore! 

You fainted. 

———A few minutes later... 

You wake up suddenly remembering everything, the fight, the bracelet, one of your best friends is a satyr. You look around you to see your friends looking at you with concern. "Y/n! Your awake! Come on, Zion is going to escort us to this 'safe place', but first we are going to your house to let your mom know where we are going." 

At least you had one parent around, both of your friends parents dumped them. 

"Ok, but we better go quickly, before that happens again." You say, indicating towards the pile of golden monster dust.

And that leaves you to where you are now. Fleeing with your friends at your side.

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