Democracy Time 😐

80 4 3

Well...where to begin

There is just no way to put this lightly. But I've been going through a ton of sh*t lately, life isn't gonna give me a break anytime soon. 

I'm a student. That means a buttload of homework that never seems to end. There have also been a ton of other stuff that has been going on in my life as well, but I'll spare you from that story. 

So what I'm trying to say is that I haven't had the time or energy to write anything for this story. It's been a very long time since I've uploaded a chapter (I'm really sorry guys ;w;) and quite frankly I've kinda drifted from the fandom...

don't get me wrong! I will always love the Percy Jackson series and cherish it forever, but it's kinda like Harry Potter now, something I will always love but I'm not as into it as I used to be. 

However, I will be willing to put the time and effort into finishing if there are enough people out there really wanting to see an ending to this story that I had put my sweat and laughs into as a freshmen in highschool (I can't believe it's been about three years guys!!!) 

I guess I would like to see this story have an ending as well, for my past self's sake....

The time to vote is now...if 100 people vote to finish the story, then finish it I shall...

y'know what to do, leave a comment for the choice you chose, don't be shy

Yes, finish the story and give it an ending it deserves!!! :D


Nah, it sucks anyway, i don't know why I bothered wasting my time reading this garbage >:p


Nah, we understand fam -w- .....but you better get started on another book or else 😌🔪

No matter what choice you make, I love you guys! Thank you for the comments throughout the book, I love reading them! :)

Btw, I am actually considering starting over and writing a new story (if time allows me too)

what do you guys think? 

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