I Spy With My Little Eye...*gasps* Part 2 (Chapter 7)

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You were lying down snuggled in your sleeping bag on the floor of the Hermes cabin, all your belongings close to you. (Its the Hermes cabin! You can never be to careful!) You were thinking about all the events that happened that day, especially about the campfire. You really missed your younger sister and wondered if she got any better. B/f/n, who was in the sleeping bag next to your right, noticed your discomfort and asked what was wrong. "Nothing, we need to sleep now, good night." And before she could protest you closed your eyes and slowly drifted to sleep...

Your eye lids fluttered open to find a water balloon hanging just inches from your face! Ugh. You quickly snatched the balloon and threw it at the face of your attacker. "Oof! Great. Your the one that was meant to be soaked not me!" You sat up to see Connor Stoll on the ground, soaked. "I would be laughing right now but that was going to be me, so what's that all about?!" You asked indicating to the soaked son of Hermes. "You didn't get the traditional 'welcome to Camp Half Blood' prank yet, so I wanted to do the honors. As you can tell now I regret my decision. But don't worry, this won't be the last prank you get from me!" He said this with a mischievous grin and a wink. Then he got up and left. 'What time is it?' You wondered. 

You decided to get ready for breakfasts and take a walk. B/f/n was still asleep, but you decided to leave her there with an alarm ready, knowing she could sleep until 3:00pm. You then hid your belongings and went outside.

Time skip!...  

After your morning walk you were about to walk into your cabin when you suddenly hear an alarm clock, followed by... "Y/N!!!!!!!"

Uh oh.

You knew this wasn't going to end well. She always won everything against you. Well, there's a few exceptions like archery, or singing contest. 

B/f/n was super fast, she always won the races, so she caught up to you and tackled you down in no time. 

"Ok! Ok! Sorry!" You frantically stuttered out before she could tickle you, that's how she always gets her way.

"Fine! But please don't do that again!"

At that the horn blew, so you and b/f/n headed towards breakfast.

Another time skip because I'm lazy!...

You, b/f/n, and David were teamed up for the treasure hunt. Your team has won everything so far. So you and David weren't that frantic to find the stolen item, but b/f/n was. "Comm'on guys! Go faster!"

"Hmm... I spy something big."David states.

"Tree" you reply.


"Ok my turn...I spy something....old." He wasn't going to get this one!


"Dang it!"

"Guys look over here!" Gasps b/f/n.

Welp, she found it, Mr. D's 'My life sucks' journal. So you guys headed back towards camp, not reading the journal, though very tempted to. As she handed the journal to the grumpy god though, the air was suddenly filled with victory and pride. You look over to b/f/n and above her head was the symbol of the goddess Nike.

"I spy with my little eye a daughter of Nike." David says the obvious next to you.

"ALL HAIL B/F/N, DAUGHTER OF NIKE!!!" Bellowed Chiron.

Seriously?! That guy just appears out of thin air!

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