You ruined it

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Jin's POV

"No! Please! Stop!" I started crying my eyes out while shouting at him. "Please don't hurt him!" I saw him beating him senseless, completely ignoring my existence. "No! Please dad, STOP!" I was yelling and screaming but he wouldn't listen. I heard someone calling my name from afar. "Jin! Babe! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and saw Kai on top of me, trying to wake me up. "W-What is going on?" I asked. That was when I saw Taehyung. He was standing in front of my bedroom door, naked but clearly worried. "You were screaming in your sleep babe. You had me worried to death" Kai was staring at me with affection in his eyes. "I'm sorry, i-it was just a bad dream. That's all" Kai kissed my lips and laid back on his pillow. He held my hand and placed it on his chest. I could feel his heartbeat, it was faster than it should be. "I must have really scared you, I'm sorry. It's just that time of the year..." I hugged him "I know baby, I know." he said before kissing my forehead. "So, since everything is OK here, I guess I'll get back to bed." Taehyung's voice reminded me something that I had completely forgotten. Me and Kai were completely naked. I pulled up the covers as fast as I could to hide our skin. "It's too late for that, don't you think?" Tae said with a smirk on his face. Before I could find a suitable response, he had already walked out of my room. "So I guess you're OK with flashing our bodies naked in front of other people." I asked Kai, clearly upset. "I'm sorry, I was focusing on the fact that you were screaming like you were having a heart attack or something." I sighed. "He saw us naked, with you literally on top of me while I was screaming." Kai chuckled. "I'm pretty sure he didn't misunderstand the situation." Kai pause for a second. "Who is he anyway? Should I be jealous? I mean, he saw you naked, that is a lot to resist you know." I slapped his arm, "You never know, I might end up in his bed if you lose me again." I winked at him and we laughed it off. We spooned and fell back to sleep.

Taehyung's POV

A noise woke me up. By the light coming in from the window, I could tell that it was early in the morning. I wore a pair of sweatpants and headed downstairs. I followed the voices that lead me to the kitchen. "Good morning" I said in my deep morning voice. Both Jin and Kai turned their heads towards me. "Good morning!" they said in unison. "Come sit with us Tae, I made breakfast." Jin stood up and went to get me a plate. I sat on a chair next to where Jin was sitting and across Kai. A big pile of pancakes were in the middle of the table just waiting to be eaten. Jin placed a plate in front of me and he gave me a fork before sitting back to his chair. "So, I'm glad we can all enjoy breakfast together." Kai said, "I want to get to know you better Tae, every friend of Jin's is mine too!" I looked him in the eyes and smirked playfully, "Well, we've seen each other naked so I guess we are in the right path." Both me and Kai laughed but Jin got all red and shy. "Aw, you're so cute when you're shy baby." Kai kissed Jin before feeding him a slice of pancake. 

We talked about random things until the food was over. "So Tae, how did you meet Jin?" I looked at Jin nervously and then my eyes went back to Kai. "Ehm, you could say that Jin kind of save my life." I said with a smile. "Well, now I HAVE to know what happened." Kai got all hyped and excited. "That's a story for another day babe." Jin said with a sweet tone, almost playful, in his voice. "Jin, where do you keep the toothpicks?" I asked, "I'm not sure, I think they're in one of those drawers" he said while pointing to a set of three drawers. I got up and approached the drawers. I opened the first but nothing. I opened the second but still nothing. After I didn't find them in the third one too I said "Are you sure?". "Yeah just look underneath all the stuff." Jin replied. I opened the first drawer again and I picked up a piece of cloth to search underneath, "Oh hear they are!" I picked up the box and turned around only to face two statues. Both of them were looking at me with shock in their eyes. "You..." Jin whispered. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked but no one would answer. I saw Kai looking away like a kid that witnesses a fight between two grown ups. "Y-You..." Jin's voice was trembling. He got up from the chair and approached me. Just a few steps before he reached me, he stopped and bend down to grab something. I saw a broken piece of the burnt out candle. I had forgotten all about it. I saw Jin picking it up with a stream of tears running down his cheeks. "I-I'm sorry Jin, I-I didn't know, I'll buy you a new one." I walked closer to comfort him but when I was about to touch his shoulder, he pushed me away. "THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CAN'T BUY" he was yelling at me. I could feel his anger, it was almost scary. A single vein popping out of his forehead. "THIS WAS ALL I HAD LEFT A-AND YOU RUINED IT" he paused to control his breathing "You ruined it..." he turned his back and run upstairs to his bedroom. "I-I'm sorry..." but he was already gone. I looked at Kai, waiting for an explanation but all I got was a sympathetic look. Without a word he got up and followed Jin upstairs. 

I've managed to ruin the one good thing that happened in my life for the past years. I started crying at the thought that I might lose Jin because I did something stupid. Only ten minutes had passed when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked back hoping to see Jin. "Kai, what happened?" I run towards him. "I can't do that, it's not my story to tell." he looked at me and then hugged me. "I've been where you are but he didn't mean to get angry at you." Kai broke the hug and placed his hands on my shoulders. "He is waiting for you upstairs, go talk and you'll understand." I wiped the tears with my fingers. "T-Thanks..." I said. "I'll see you around." He wore his shoes and left.

I got up the stairs and slowly walked over to Jin's room. I knocked on the door and waited for an invite. "Come in." I opened the the door and saw Jin siting on the side of his bed, crying. He invited me to sit next to him and so I did. "I-I'm sorry, I know I did something stupid but I didn't mean to... Please don't hate me." Jin looked at me and smiled over his tears and pain. "It's not your fault Tae, I'm sorry I yelled at you." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. "I'm the one who should apologize." we stayed silent for a while. "Can I ask you something Jin?" he nodded "What makes that candle so special?" Jin stayed silent for a few seconds. He wiped the tears from his face with his sleeve and took a deep breath. "Are you ready to hear about the worst day  of my life?"

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