The Wedding

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Tae's POV

"So he told you?" Kai asked, easily reading my expression. "How did you know?" I asked surprised and he scoffed. "I knew he liked you before he even did..." he explained with a sad smile. "I'm sorry..." I apologized, fidgeting with my fingers because I was too guilty to look him in the eyes. "It's OK, I'm big on fate. Everything happens for a reason. I guess Jin and I weren't supposed to be together." he paused and looked away, smiling shyly. "In fact, I've been kind of talking with someone new..." he mumbled just loud enough for me to hear. "Who?!" I asked surprised. "Do I know him?" I added with curiosity getting the better of me. "You know him... Pretty well you could say..." his face was turning red just by thinking of this man. He was rather cute this way, his soft dimples and prominent cheekbones highlight every time he smiles. "Here you go sir!" the nice lady that worked in this store interrupted us. "Here is every suit you asked for, I couldn't find the grey one on your size though..." she added, leaving the suits on the table next to me. "Try them on and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask!" she smiled politely and walked away. I took the white suit and went to the fitting room to try it on. Closing the curtain behind me I asked Kai again, "So, who is the lucky guy?" I breathed while attempting to put on the suit in this rather small fitting room. "Well... He is cute but sexy at the same time. He is extremely funny and hard-working." Despite having the curtain between me and him, I knew that a big smile formed while talking about the man. "How long has this been going on?" I asked, making my way around until I uncovered this man's name. "About one week... I know, it's too short of a time for me to act like this but... I just can't help it." he sighed. I opened the curtain after finally managing to put on the suit. "Love doesn't wait Kai, you need to seize this opportunity and make him yours. It looks like you have fallen for him pretty bad. How does this look?" I smiled while spinning around for Kai to observe every aspect on the suit. "It's nice but I don't quite like the color on you. You should try the sky blue one." he instructed whilst handing me over the sky blue suit. I sighed and went back in the dressing room. With the curtain separating us again Kai decided to speak again. " I think I have... It's was like love at first sight... Oh well technically second sight but..." he murmured. His statement made me even more confused about his identity than I already was. "So, can I have his name please?" I asked while ripping the curtain open to reveal my witty smile. Kai sighed, "I love this one. I think you should buy that one Tae, it looks great on you." he complimented me, slithering away from my question. "I agree." I stated and went back to change to my clothes. I didn't even bother closing the curtain now, instead, I looked him with understanding eyes. "It's fine if you don't want to te..." , "It's Hoseok." he cut me off. My jaw dropped and after putting on my shirt I started fan-girling. "You are going to make the best couple ever! God why didn't I think of this? I should be the one fix you up!" , "Damn." I mumbled. "You should invite him to the wedding." I finally suggested. "Really? That would be great! Thank you Tae!" We walked towards the counter. "Great choice!" the cashier exclaimed, "That would be four hundred and fifty!" she smiled. I paid and we left. 


I was getting ready, putting the final touches in. I looked at the mirror proud of myself for how things turned out. "You look great Tae." Jin smiled from behind me, fixing the collar of my shirt a bit. "There is something I need to say." he sighed. "I know that you will never be with me, and I know that you are happy with Rose." he paused in a failed attempt not to cry. "I love you Tae." before I could answer or comfort him, he pressed his lips against mine. "Jin!" I stepped away shocked. "I'm sorry, I had to do this before you got married and I lost you forever... I'm sorry..."

I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder. I knew exactly how he felt. It was exactly how I felt when he was with Kai. "It's OK but..." I was waiting until after the wedding to tell everyone but he deserved to know. "You should know that Rose and I..." I paused "We're expecting!" his sad face turned into a huge smile. I couldn't tell if it was genuine or a mask to hide his sorrow behind. "She's pregnant?!" I nodded "God Tae! That's great news!" he hugged me to congratulate me. "I want you to be the godfather. If that's OK with you." I smiled softly. "Yes! Of course!" his actions seemed genuine now. 

Jin walked me down the isle and we waited at the altar for Rose. I was in my sky blue suit looking sharp when I suddenly saw her walking down the isle. She was in a beautiful pink wedding dress, covered with tulle everywhere. Her smile lit up the room and my brought warmth to my heart. The rest of the ceremony went magically, everything was perfect and our vows were captivating and emotional. After the ceremony ended, everyone was congratulating us and wishing us happiness. Especially after I announced to everyone about us being pregnant, they lost their minds, asking us about whether we found a name, or we know the gender and stuff people ask.

After everyone was satisfied by our answers, they started leaving. Only few remained, among who were Kai, Hoseok, Jin and Rose's sisters. "Hey, can I steal him for a moment?" Hoseok asked my bride politely. "Sure!" Rose smiled and walked away to find her sisters. "What's up?" I asked worried, looking at his eyes. He seemed like he was about to tell me that someone died. Hoseok looked at me with dead serious eyes and after gathering the courage he finally spoke. "I've found out something and I think you deserve to know..."

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