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Jin's POV

"Morning Tae!" I exclaimed over the phone. "Morning! What's up?" he replied with a deep voice, probably still in a soft slumber. "Are we still on for tonight? What time will Rose and the kids leave to visit her mother?" I asked while getting myself a glass of water to clench my sudden thirst. V saw me entering the kitchen and ran behind me, wiggling his tale, waiting for a treat. "They'll leave around 5 pm but I'll be there at 8 because I have some stuff to do at work." Tae said over a loud yawn. I grabbed a treat for V on the way out and gave it to him. "OK, see you then. Oh, it's going to rain so you better hold an umbrella." I said in a firm almost mom-like voice. "Sure, see you later." "Bye!" and we hung up.

I got dressed, filled V's bowl with water and headed to work. The sky was already cloudy and it seemed like a harsh storm was about to hit. I drove to the school I was working at and parked in my usual spot. I was a bit early so I headed for the teachers lounge. Everyone was there. Others holding a hot cup of coffee, others grading papers, other chatting.

I poured a cup of coffee, settled at my desk and waited for the bell to ring. When it did, I headed for my class. To my surprise everyone was already sited when I arrived. "Good morning class!" I sang like I do every morning. "Good morning Mr. Kim!" they harmonized back.

I strolled around the desks and stopped next to Lucas. "You were off key." I teased him and the class burst in laughter.

"OK, so today we'll talk about a very special instrument and it's history. Any speculations as to what that instrument may be?" I asked, I always tried to make my class more interactive and fun for my students. Although I always saw them as my children more than students.

A girl raised her hand and I nodded at her, giving her permission to speak. "Is it bagpipes?" she asked but I shook my head. Lucas took the opportunity and raised his hand. "Is it the theremin Mr. Kim?" he asked full of certainty. I didn't speak. I just applauded the young man.

"Well done Lucas. What can you tell me about the Theremin?" I smirked.

"Theremin is an electronic musical instrument controlled without physical contact. It's mostly used by injured musicians who can't use their hands anymore the way they used to." he smiled

"Well done Lucas, I'll forgive your key issues from before." I winked and everyone laughed again as I started lecturing. "The theremin is..." a power outage interrupted my train of thought. Suddenly red lights filled the room and a deafening alarm started ringing. Everyone panicked and started screaming. "Everyone calm down!" I raised my voice in an attempt to be heard over the commotion but it was in vein. Suddenly a loud and clear voice echoed through the room "QUIET!"

I turned around only to see Lucas, standing on his desk, shouting. Everyone heard him and stopped moving. All eyes on him. "Thank you Lucas." I smiled, he nodded. "The protocol is clear. Everyone make a line and follow me." I demanded firmly.

After making sure that no one was missing and that everyone was in line, I started walking towards the gym. Everyone was already there, sitting on the floor, gathered in groups. A teacher in front of every group, counting heads. After I did the same and made sure that no one was missing I turned to Lucas. "Thank you Lucas. You made me proud today." I gave him a smile of approval and I could see him blush. "Thank you Mr Kim." he bowed softly and sat with the rest of the class.

The principal entered the gym and everyone looked at her, waiting for an announcement as to what was going on. "It's a storm, it's pretty bad so we're gonna stay here until it passes. There have been lots of accidents already so the police is blocking traffic." she explained.

A wave of complains overflowed the room. "We are going to be here for a while so please don't make this harder than it should be." she added. I walked closer to her and whispered an idea in her ear. She nodded. "Seokjin suggested we have a talent completion." everyone started cheering. "Great, each class has an hour to prepare something. Good luck." she announced and walked away.


"And the winner is.... SEOKJIN AND HIS CLASS!!!" the janitor exclaimed through the microphone. Everyone started cheering and jumping, engaging in a huge group hug. I moved aside to call Taehyung again. I was worried because he hadn't been picking up for the last 2 hours. I even tried calling Rose but no answer. I tried to not think of all the bad things that could have happened. They must be out of service I thought, I hoped.

Another three hours passed and the principal picked up the mic to make an announcement. "The skies are clear. You are free to go home." everyone cheered, picked up their things and left on by one.

I got in my car and drove home. I kept calling Tae but no answer. I was starting to really worry now. I arrived home and I saw Taehyung's car outside. I felt relieved and parked the car. I approached his car and knocked in the door but no answer. He looked like he had fallen asleep. I looked closer, cupping my forehead with my hands to block the sun. Tae was on the driver's sit, passed out with an empty bottle of alcohol next to him.

I started banging the glass as hard as I could until he finally came to his senses. The moment he opened his eyes I could tell that he had been crying. He opened the door and got out but his feet abandoned him resulting in him falling down on the wet, hard asphalt.

"What happened Tae. You're scaring me!" I cried out. He opened his mouth and his voice came out weak and beaten. "They're gone Seokjin, they're gone, Rose, Taemin, Yeonjun. They're all gone." he started wailing on my embrace while I carried him inside.

I laid him on the couch and V jumped on top of Taehyung, sensing that something was terribly wrong. "What happened Tae? Where did they go?" I asked trying to make sense. The thought of Rose taking the kids and abandoning Taehyung without a word made me furious. "The car crushed Seokjin, they're dead."


Oof what now? If this was an obvious turn of events I'm sorry. I promise it gets better. Or... Does it?

Thank you for reading 💜

Please eat well and stay hydrated!

xx Dean

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