Shopping Therapy

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Tae's POV

"Tae!" I heard a distant voice calling my name. "Tae! Wake up!" I felt my body shake like there was an earthquake. I opened my eyes and saw Kai, on top of me, shaking me in an attempt to wake me up. I thanked god that I was under the covers or else my naked body would be... well... in display. "W-What time is it?" I asked while rubbing my eyes with my fists. "It's 10 a.m! Come on get up!!" Kai kept on pulling me out of bed. "Let me sleep a little bit longer..." I whined softly. "Come on bro! I've got a surprise for you!" he exclaimed but I was too tired and honestly the bed sheets felt like soft clouds on my skin. I growled in response trying to get back to dreaming. With a sudden movement and before I could even realize it, Kai pulled the cover and left me exposed. As I've said before I'm pretty confident with my body so I didn't try to hide my privates, instead I just sat on the bed and complained. "What is this big surprise?" I asked Kai. That was the first time I realized that he was wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. "Come on dude! Get dressed! We're going to the mall!" he exclaimed and jumped with excitement. He was smiling from ear to ear. "I-I... thanks but I don't really have any money, or clothes to go out..." I said, looking on the floor. Kai came next to me and pinched my cheek. "That's the whole reason, we're going to buy you stuff!" he seemed ecstatic to go shopping but I wasn't really feeling it. Don't get me wrong, I would kill for some clothes of my own but I didn't want to burden anyone or take anyone's money. "T-Thanks but..." but before I could finish my sentence, he cut me off "No buts! We wanted to do something nice for you, it's our treat so don't you worry about a thing!" I got emotional so I decided to run to him and give him a hug before I started crying. Mid-hug, I remember that I was naked so I backed off awkwardly, which made Kai laugh at me. "Come, let's get you something to wear." I nodded and followed Kai to Jin's room. "Here, choose anything you like until I get dressed." Kai said while pointing at Jin's open closet. Immediately after, he took off the towel and reveal his manhood. I couldn't help but stare, that thing was huge. Now I can see why Jin is so loud during their intercourse... " Is there anything you like?" He said, clearly stated at the fact that I was staring his junk. "Sorry, It's just... big..." I was sweating out of embarrassment. Kai just chuckled loudly at my comment while pulling up the zipper from his ripped skinny jeans. "Yeah, so I've been told!" He teased me playfully. "Ehm, where is Jin?" I asked while quickly putting on a pair of pants before my stick grew bigger. "Jin is at work, he told me that he'll meet us there when he is finished." he paused to button up his shirt. "So, are you ready to go?" He asked. I had just finished putting on a T-shirt before I nodded yes. "Let's go then!"

The ride was pleasant. Me and Kai had fun talking and joking around. It was like a twenty-five minute drive from the house to the mall. Kai parked his car in the underground parking lot and we got to the main floor through an elevator. "So, let's begin! Pick a store!" he said smiling. "Is there a budget I should know about?" I asked. He thought about it for a second before replying "Jin told me that we can use all the money in this card." He paused and scratched his head. "But I don't really know how much is in it..." he seemed confused. "I have an idea!" he said, "Lets go to the bank upstairs and check it out." I nodded and we immediately ran upstairs like a couple of children. He stood in front of the ATM and Kai inserted the credit card. After pressing some buttons a number popped up on the screen. "There must have been a mistake..." I said worried that Jin might had mixed up the numbers. "I'm pretty sure there isn't, Jin is quite wealthy so I guess you can have anything you want!" Kai punched me in the arm. He visited almost every store on the mall. It's been hours and we were both exhausted.  I had like five bag on each hand and Kai had another three. "I think that's all!" I exclaimed. "Jin should be on his way, should we sit and order some food?" I nodded and we walked towards a nearby pizza place. We sat down and order three pizzas, one for each. "Thank you for today Kai... I don't know how I can repay you and Jin." I said with a low voice. "Knowing Jin, the only repayment he needs, is your love." he smiled at me. "He really is a gem, isn't he?" I was falling for Jin more and more each day but he had Kai and he was happy. I just had to make it go away, somehow... "Yes he is!!" Kai said with pure love in his eyes. "Hey Kai, if you don't mind me asking... Why did you two broke up the first time?" Kai looked down and played with his fingers. "It was my fault... I was a mess, all I wanted to do is go out, get drunk and have sex but Jin needed a steady relationship, someone to care for him and be there. I was a fool then, I thought that all I needed was to have fun but in reality without Jin there was nothing that could cheer me up." He paused trying to hold back his tears. "I wasn't good to him and I put my needs over his but that is the past! Now I'm trying my best to be the best version of me." He paused but I didn't speak, what he said touched my soul but I couldn't hold back my laughter. "Why are you laughing?" he asked "Cause, he knows  something you don't!" Jin said, startling the young man. He was standing behind Kai this whole time, listening to everything he said. Kai got up and kissed Jin passionately "I love you so much." he said, "I love you too" Jin replied. They sat down, holding hands and I couldn't help but feel jealous but thankfully before my jealousy became visible, the waitress came with our food.

"I see Gucci bags there." Jin said while taking the last bite out of his pizza. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself, Gucci is my kryptonite..." I said, feeling sorry for wasting his money on expensive brands. "Don't worry, anything that makes you happy, makes me happy." Jin comforted me with a smile. "Did you had fun together?" He asked. "YES! Tae is the best. He is so fun to hang out with!" Kai exclaimed. His compliments made me blush. "Thank you for everything Jin, if it wasn't for you, I would still be homeless and starving at the streets." I said and Jin rubbed the top of my hand with his thumb. My stare diverted to Kai "And thank you too for being such a great friend Kai." He smiled and sent me a  kiss playfully which made us all laugh. 

"Are you ready to get going?" We nodded and got up, Kai insisted that he paid for launch and Jin agreed. "I hope you're ready because I have another surprise for you back home." He winked at me and I couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

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