The past

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Jin's POV

"Good morning sleepy head." I opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. "How long have you been up?" I asked him. "About an hour." I smiled and poked his arm, "Why didn't you wake me up?" he just smiled and gave me a peck on the lips. "I like watching you sleep, you are so beautiful and peaceful." we kissed again. "Wait here." Taemin got up and left the room. Not much later, he came back with his family following him inside. He was holding a birthday cake with a single candle in the middle. They all started singing the birthday song. I felt so happy. I was smiling from ear to ear. By the time they finished singing, Taemin was holding the cake in front of my face. Everyone was waiting for me to blow out the candle. "Happy birthday Jin! Make a wish baby." I made a wish a blew out the candle. "So what did you wish for?" his sister asked full of curiosity. "If I tell you it won't come true..." I answered with a coy-like tone in my voice. "But you have everything you want right here." Taemin stated before kissing me on the nose. "I can't argue with that." We both chuckled but his mother interrupted us, "Better leave those two love birds alone." his dad chuckled while they were walking out of his room "Better keep it down you two." My face turned beet red at his statement. Taemin laughed it off, he was used to his fathers humor.

"I love you so much" I said to him as he laid by my side again. "I love you too baby." I kissed his forehead. "What's wrong baby?" he asked worried. "I think it's time..." he looked at me with a supportive look and grabbed my hand. "It's OK, I'll be right there with you." I got up and got dressed. "What? You meant now?" Taemin jumped of the bed and got dressed too. After we were ready to leave, I saw the cake in the kitchen table, half-eaten. "Can I keep the candle? To remember my first birthday with you forever." he nodded and chuckled. I wrapped the candle in a napkin I had with me and put it in my pocket.

We drove to my house. The drive was quite because I was preparing myself for what was about to happen. We stood in front of my front door for a minute. I was hesitant about opening the door. Taemin grabbed my shoulder and whispered to my ear "I'm here for you." I took my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. As we walked in, my mother and brother noticed me and run to hug me and wish me a happy birthday.

"What's wrong Jin?" my mom noticed me being nervous. "Is it happening?" Namjoon asked. My mother goggled her eyes and covered her mouth in fear. "You know how your father is Jin, are you sure?" I looked her in the eyes, I was serious and sure about my decision " It's time mom, I love Taemin and I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I have to tell him." She lowered her head and stepped aside.

I entered the kitchen where my father was sitting, enjoying a glass of wine. I hated his drinking habits, I would always find him with alcohol in his hand no matter where the place and what the time was. "Hi dad." he looked at me and nodded. "So I guess you forgot, again..." I was angry at him, he would never remember my birthday. "What?" he replied half-heartedly. I walked over to him furious. My mom, brother and boyfriend followed me inside the kitchen but stayed silent. "It's my birthday, not like you would give a shit." I was so close to yelling but I tried to keep calm. "So what? Do you want a hug and a kiss on the cheek? Stop being such a f*g". My eyes widened at his response "What would be wrong with that?" he looked at my eyes, dead serious and full of hatred "I raised a man, not a sissy." I couldn't help myself, I pounded my fist against the table "Even though you didn't help raising me even just a second in your life, I still became a man. A proud man and I've found love and he is standing right there" , I said and pointed towards Taemin. I saw pure rage in his eyes, in the heat of the moment, he stood up and slapped me in the face with every inch of strength he had in him. I touched my cheek, not being able to comprehend what had just happened. I heard my mother crying and yelling at him to stop but then I felt his first on my stomach. The force made me fall on the ground. Namjoon stepped forward to stop him but he got a punch in the head that left him unconscious on the floor. Taemin came to check on me "Baby, are you OK? I-I'm going to kill him." he was crying. "No, leave, please." I could barely speak. Before I knew it my father grabbed Taemin's hair and lifted him up. "So you are the one who made him into a monster?" before he could answer, my father punched his ribs. A loud scream escaped Taemin mouth. "ENOUGH!" my mother stepped in front of us, separating our beaten bodies from this maniac. "YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION." he yelled, "YOU ARE NO LONGER MY SON. YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT THIS FAMILY. AND AS FOR YOUR BOYFRIEND, ENJOY HIM WHILE HE IS STILL ALIVE." Taemin tried to stand up and help me out of the house but my father had other plans. "Here, let me help you." he said before hitting him again. He grabbed Taemin and pushed him out of the house. Then, he picked me up by my clothes and threw me out of the door too. The last thing I heard before everything went dark was my mother wailing from behind the now shut front door.

I woke up in Taemin's bed. The pain in my head and stomach, reminded me of what had just happened. "You're awake." Taemin ran inside my arms and squeezed me tight. "I was so worried Jin, are you OK? Are you in pain?" Taemin looked me with tears in his eyes. "What happened?" I asked him. "The last thing I remember is us on the road outside my house, beaten up." Taemin softly brushed my hair with his fingers. "I carried you to my car and I drove us here." I rubbed his cheek with my thumb affectionately. "Are you OK baby? We should call the police. He should pay for what he did." Taemin looked the other way. "There is no need, you don't have to waste your time with him. I already told my parents that we got mugged." I tried to sit up but I was in pain. "Why would you do that? He deserves to pay!" I was upset but I didn't want to take it out on him. "You don't have to see him again." he said and I started crying, "But I have nowhere to live." He looked at me with nothing but pure love in his eyes. His look made me feel warm and safe. "I wanted to wait for a while before I said anything but..." he paused, "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Jin." He got up, got on his knee and revealed a small velvet box with a ring inside. "Kim Seokjin, will you do me the honor of being my husband?" I didn't know what to say. "I love you Jin, you don't have to answer right now but you will move in with me until we find a place of our own." I teared up again and fell in his embrace. "I do. I want to start a family with you Taemin. I love you so much." We kissed but suddenly the door opened and his sister came in. "Are my ears deceiving me? Did you just proposed?" she giggled. "Yes Sana, tell mom and dad that I want to speak with them." she closed the door and ran inside. "Follow me." he gave me his hand to help me stand up.

They were sitting on the living room couch. Me and Taemin were standing in front of them. "Mom, dad, Jin will be living with us for a while." his mother seemed worried. "Why? Did something happen?" she asked. "No mom, it's just temporal until we find our own apartment." after finishing his sentence, Taemin grabbed my hand and raised it on the air, showcasing our engagement rings. Everyone started cheering us and congratulating us. A brief smile cross my face. I was feeling so happy but so sad at the same time.

After the talk with his parent, we went back to his room. It was already late and I felt tired. "Get some rest, I'll go first thing in the morning to search for apartments" he kissed me. "But I want to come too!" I nagged. "You need to rest. I will find the best and then you can watch them together. Now let's go to sleep." I nodded and we spooned in his bed under the covers. "I love you Taemin." , "I love you too Jin."

A scream from inside the house woke me up. The sound of crying followed. Taemin had left already, it was almost noon so I got up as fast as I could and went to the living room to see what the fuss was about. I was Taemin's mother crying in his father's arms. She was howling and wailing. I saw Jisoo with tears falling down her eyes. She was sniffling intensely. She noticed me and walked towards me slowly. "W-What is going on?" I asked, clearly worried. She looked me in the eyes, her eyes were full of sadness and devastation. "It's Taemin..." She started crying her eyes out while falling in my arms to support herself. "They just c-called from the hospital,

s-s-someone s-stabbed him to death."

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