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"Hey baby... Its been so long since you left." Jin sighed and sat on the grass next to Tae's grave. "I'm already 90 years old and I feel my soul escaping my feeble body. I feel one step closer to the light every single day. One step closer to you." he smiled and caressed the side of the tomb softly. "Hoseok died recently... it was cancer. No one expected it, it started from the brain and it metastasized to his lungs." the old man smiled and pressed his back against Tae's tomb. "Kai followed not long after, leaving little San behind." he snapped his fingers "I guess he's not a child anymore. He has a wife and a child of his own." he chuckled. "You would love his son. Seonghwa is a piece of work. He is smart and charming and handsome..." the elder man paused, wiping a way a sneaky tear that sparkled under the bright sun. "He is everything you were... I miss you baby." he sighed. "It got so hard after you left. I thought about ending it but I couldn't do that to you. I couldn't let your sacrifice for me go to waste." he got up frustrated and started paving alongside Tae's grave. "Why Tae? Why did you give your life up for me? You should have let me die. Life without you is a fate worse than death." he spatted out, his movements slowly making a line of dirty over the grass. "WHY!" he knelt before the one he loved, palming the top of the tomb while shedding a stream of tears. The droplets landed on the tomb, leaving behind a wet shade on the surface. Jin sobbed his eyes out, dreading every single moment he lived in this world without Taehyung. "I'm all alone now Tae. I don't like being alone. And now I'm going to die alone..."  he spaced out for a second, thinking about how scared he was of dying alone. "Do you remember that day at the movies? You and Rose had an argument and you were so sad that you kept crying through the whole movie even though it was a comedy." he chuckled, laying on the grass beside Tae. "You were so upset because things got heated even though you knew that you were wrong but you were so stubborn to admit it." he smiled again at the tomb and just like clockwork a soft breeze passed through, like an answer from the beyond. Jin took this as a sign and smiled triumphantly. "I knew you would remember!" said Jin and took a deep breath before continuing narrating. "I was so upset to see you like this and I hated myself for not being able to cheer you up. I lend you my shoulder to cry on and suggested that you apologized to Rose." Jin turned on his back and gazed at the blue sky. "It was such a simple thing to say and yet you thought the world of it. You were always precious like that." he added with a sweet and soft voice. Jin observed the clouds for a hot second before raising his hand upwards, pointing at one. "This one looks like you." he smiled but tears fell down his cheeks. "That one too, and that one..." he added, pointing to every single cloud in the sky. "Everything remind me of you..." he got up into a sitting position and turned towards the tomb. "Do you remember Jisoo's  wedding?" he chuckled "You probably don't, you were wasted for the most of it." he let out a soft cackle. "You know that you can't handle your liquor but you drink anyway. I had to drag you home after you got on the table and started saying... well weird stuff." Jin ended his sentence with a bittersweet smile, reminiscing the scene of Jisoo's wedding after party. "I guess I'm not alone after all. You might be dead but you are still here." he said, resting his palm on Tae's heart that was keeping his body alive. Out of the sudden a ladybug flew on Tae's tomb and started walking across the marble top. "Hey little buddy." Jin whispered and slowly moved his finger closer to it, careful not to scare it away. With soft movements, he managed to make the ladybug climb on his finger. "Is this a sign? Is this you baby?" he asked looking at the sky. "He moved his hand closer to his face, observing the little creature walking down his index finger. A sudden ache pierced through his body. "Ahg!" he exclaimed, gripping his chest over the material of his shirt. "I'm coming babe." his voice weak and strained. Seokjin fell against the grass, his body embracing the impact of the hard ground, his breath making an aching sound as it escaped his throat forcefully during the impact. The the tremble from the collision coursed through his body scaring away the little bug as it reached the edge of his finger. And just like the tiny insect, Seokjin's soul flew away from his body leaving behind nothing but an empty carcass, a shell that was no longer at use. His soul made its way to Taehyung after all this time. At last they would be together, forever.


*sobs intensely* well that was pretty emotional. 

Next up some more fun bonus chapters ( and some not so fun ) .

Please expect them eagerly <3

Thank you if you are still reading and I haven't already bored you away.

Please eat well and drink lots of water!!

xx Dean

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