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Doctor Jungwoo's POV

"Damn it Taehyung!" I growled, trying to stabilize Taehyung. He was on the floor, his butchered neck, squirting blood, forming a red puddle under his limp body. Three doctors were above him, trying to save his life. "Stupid!" I roared before I stopped treating him.

Doctor Soobin checked Tae's pulse once again and shook his head. "You are so stubborn..." I whispered, chuckling at the lifeless body like we were talking over coffee. "You better be a match..." I moved my palm down his now hollow face, closing his  eyelids in the process. "Take him fast, we have a heart to save." I commanded and we all helped put him on a bed with wheels that was wheeled in from a room nearby.

We rushed to the O.R where we prepped for the operation. Before we begun, we sent the needed samples to the lab to check for compatability. I looked at the surgical residents that would assist me with the heart removal and gave them the signal to begin.

We opened him up and carefully removed his still healthy heart, trying our best to prevent contamination. The removal took a while, enough time for the results to come back.

A nurse brought them just in time. "Unbelievable, it's like a perfect match!" I exclaimed in awe. "Fast! Let's take the heart to Seokjin!" I removed my dirty gloves before the nurse and I ran holding the cooler containing Tae's heart, rushing to the other operation room where a group of people had already prepped Seokjin for surgery. "OK! Let's get started!" I commanded and everyone gathered around the operating table, ready for surgery.

Jin's POV

Everything was black. I was feeling dizzy and in a lot of pain. I opened my eyes but my vision was blurry and weak. I fluttered my eyelids a few times to adjust my eyesight. "What happened?" my voice came out weak and almost inaudible. "Mr. Kim?" a female voice said and I looked beside me. I just noticed the nurse next to me, adjusting my I.V.
"Your surgery was a success!" she smiled and walked towards my bedside table. "What surgery? Where is Tae?" I asked, my voice still weak. The nurse gave me a comforting smile "You have a new heart now Mr. Kim, you are no longer in danger." and then she handed me an envelope with my name written on it. "You should read this, I'll give you some space." she bowed and swiftly walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

I looked better at my name and I recognized Tae's handwriting. The room suddenly felt cold and the pain in my chest became worse than before. I shuddered, a the cold sensation traveled down my spine. I felt this dark aura around me but I didn't know what it was.

I ripped the top of the envelope and looked inside. A piece of paper was resting inside, I hesitated at first, tears forming without my permission. I pulled it out and opened it.

"Dear Jin,

I just spoke to the board and tried to convince them to save you, I'm writing this letter to you, waiting for their decision. I'll leave this on the coffee table and hopefully somebody sees it and brings it to you. I love you Jin, you were everything for me and without you I would have been dead a long time ago. You saved my life more times than I can count, hell, even more times than you know. I haven't told you this before but before I ended up in the streets, I tried to kill myself but someone was singing nearby, the lullaby that my mother used to sing for me when I was just a toddler. I don't know why it took me so long to put the pieces together but that voice belonged to you. I never was much of a  believer but I know an angel when I see one."

An endless stream of tears ran down my eyes." TAE!" I shouted his name but no one came."TAE! BABY!" I screamed again but he didn't appear. With a deep breath, I continued reading the letter.

"I never told you because I didn't want you to worry about me but I'm dying, the doctors gave me a couple more years before I perish. I asked the board to take my heart so you can live the rest of your life. So I can be the one to save you for once. All those years, you made my life better every single day, you helped me build it back up from the ashes and you never asked for anything in return. No matter what they decide, I love you more than words could describe Jin and I have made up my mind, one way or the other, I'm giving you my heart."

I was in shock , I couldn't comprehend what I was reading, my palm resting on my aching chest, I felt the beating of the heart that was inside of me and I somehow felt Tae right by my side. At the end of the letter there was a bolder period. It said "Please take care of it just like you did before."

The end

There will be an epilogue and a couple of bonus chapters so don't give up on me just yet

So.... I can't believe this is the end. *cries aggressively*

I wasn't sure if I would reveal this publicly but this book means a great deal to me. It's the story of the first song ( decent at least) that I wrote ever.

It was originally about a boy and a girl but I turned it into Taejin because duh.

Thank you for being here till the end.
Thank you if you read one chapter or the whole book. Thank you if you commented and upvoted. If you didn't I still thank you 💜💜

Feel free to message me anytime. Also if you liked this book you could check out the rest of my books too and maybe just maybe follow me. ( a boy can dream right? )

I hope you are excited for the upcoming bonus chapters.

Thank you for your support.

xx Dean

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