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Jin's POV

"Are you ready?" the sound of Taehyung's deep voice filled the empty room. I was standing in front of a mirror, staring at my reflection for the past hour. "Everyone is here Jin." I looked at him through the looking glass and nodded before wiping the tears off my cheeks. I followed Tae outside and we got into my car. My mother, Kai, Tae, me and Hoseok. All dressed in black. A wave of sadness lingering within the closed windows of my car. We drove to the cemetery where we were about to bury my brother. We got out of the car and walked towards his soon to be grave. Rose with her babies and her sisters already waited us there. We exchanged saddened glances with each other, not knowing if we were supposed to talk or not. We stood on the freshly cut lawn, in front of a big hole on the ground. A black, polished mahogany casket was hovering over the hole, supported on a metal mechanism that would later lower it into the ground. After the brief ceremony was over, I stepped forward and faced my family and friends.  I was supposed to say something but I couldn't bring myself to form words. Everything I tried to say got stuck in my throat and choked me.  I felt an overwhelming desire to just scream and cry my eyes out but I had to resist, for the sake of my mother. "I remember when we were little, Namjoon would always break stuff. It was unintentional, he was always so clumsy. I remember every time he broke something, he would come to me with pure terror in his eyes. He would hug me and tell me not to tell anyone. I was his big brother, it was my job to protect him. When our parents would notice that something was broken, I would take the blame. I didn't want them to punish Namjoon for something that he couldn't control." I paused to recollect my thoughts. I saw the eyes of the people in front of me, filled with tears and sadness. "Namjoon was always there for me growing up too, standing up for me even when he didn't stand a chance. He didn't deserve this, he had his whole life in front of him. He was a smart young man with a lot to live for but..."  I couldn't bring myself to say the words. Saying it out loud would only make it real. It would only make it even more painful. Without realizing it, I was crying again. Tears streaming down my eyes. "He died too soon." I wailed and dropped on my knees. I took a moment to calm down before I spoke again. "I love you little brother... Rest in piece Namjoon..." I went back to my mother. She was lamenting, asking for her son to come back, wishing for a miracle. All I could do was hold her in my arms, there was nothing else I could say or do that would ease her pain. 

The mechanism started lowering the casket into the ground. One by one, we approached the casket that was now in the ground and we threw in flowers. Two men started burring the casket with dirt. My eyes traveled back on his tombstone. 

Kim Namjoon 

Beloved Son, Brother, Friend.

Yeonjun's POV

( 8 years later )

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran as fast as I could to open the front door. "Uncle Kai!" I exclaimed and jumped on the man's open arms. "Hey little guy! Happy birthday!" he rubbed the top of my head and handed me a present. It was wrapped in purple wrapping paper with a yellow bow on top of it. "Thank you Uncle Kai!" I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Where is your brother? Uncle Hoseok has his gift." he said looking around the house. "I don't know!" I yelled and ran inside to open my present. I sat on the couch and ripped the present open. "WOW!" I yelled excited. Did he actually bought me a game console? Uncle Kai is the best! I got up with my present still in my hands and ran inside to show it to my parents. As I was heading towards the kitchen, I heard whispering. "They don't know what it is." my father hushed, "Whatever it is, we'll get through it together." my mother gave him a peck on the lips and my father's gloomy mood became warm and fuzzy. "I love you." he winked at her and she kissed him again. "EWWW!" I yelled and they both laughed at my reaction to their kiss. "MOM! DAD! Look what uncle Kai got me for my birthday!" I raised the console with my both hands for them to see. "That's great buddy! We can play together when daddy has free time!" my father pinched my cheek a little bit too hard. "Hey guys!" Uncle Kai walked into the kitchen with uncle Hoseok by his side. Taemin was skipping behind them, holding his own game console in his hands. "You too?!" he exclaimed as soon as his eyes met my console. "Yeah we match!!" we started running around the kitchen. The grown-ups were talking but we didn't bother to listen what they were on about. Taemin and I were inseparable. Our parents taught us to always be there for each other. He is my brother and my best friend. "We have an announcement to make." Uncle Kai spoke up and we both froze in place, diverting our gave towards uncle Kai, waiting for yet another gift to be revealed. Uncle Hoseok grabbed uncle Kai's hand and he raised it softly. "We're getting married!" uncle Kai said and his voice seemed genuinely happy. A loud shriek followed as my mother jumped from behind the counter and into their arms. "I'm so happy for you guys!" she uttered. Eventually my father joined their group hug and me and Taemin followed. "We want you guys to be our best man and maid of honor." Hoseok added and my parents went insane. "Of course we will!" the doorbell interrupted our little group hug. My mother opened the door and an army of kids swarmed inside the house. "OUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" me and Taemin shouted in unison. After the kids, a tall man entered the house, holding a big  box in front of his face. "UNCLE JIN BROUGHT FOOD!" the man shouted before heading for the kitchen.

My family is pretty unusual but I wouldn't change it for the world.



This was more of a filler chapter. I just felt the need to write about Namjoon's funeral and about a happy family moment before I continue shattering your hopes and dreams with the rest of the story.

I hope you enjoyed it and that it wasn't too boring.

Please mentally prepare for what is about to happen.

As always thank you for reading.

Please eat well and stay hydrated!

xx  Dean

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