New Friend

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Tae's POV

We were almost home. The ride was fun and we talked about stuff but I had this feeling the whole time. A feeling like he was hiding something from me. He just kept smiling all the time with his cute childish smile and looking at me through the mirror. "What?!" I would ask every time but he would just pin it on Rose calling me handsome. "Just don't forget about us when you go and live with your wife, Rose." He teased me once again. "Whatever." I said and pouted. Jin parked in front of his house, we got off the car and walked towards the front door. "Is Kai home?" I asked because I could hear a slight commotion behind the closed door. "Yeah, he is!" Jin said and pulled out his keys to unlock the door, slowly... This made my suspicions lash out. I was almost sure that he was hiding something from me. All kinds of thoughts crossed my mind. Does he know that I found his sex toys? Does he know that I like him?  Is he bored of me? Will he throw me out now that I found a job? I was being paranoid which made me sweat a little bit. Jin noticed and decided to tease me even more. " Already thinking about your girlfriend?" He said and laughed while opening the front door. 

I could have sworn from the loud noise, that Kai was in the living room but when we entered the house, the living room was completely empty. Jin closed the door and I stopped him before he could go upstairs. "OK, what is going on? What are you hiding from me? Is this it? Are you throwing me out?" I said, clearly ready to burst into tears. Jin chuckled and roughly petted my hair. "Never!" he said and gave me a big, warm hug. His hands rested, one around my waist and the other on the back of my head. "Thank you Jin." I said and squeezed him even tighter. "Come on, I have something to show you." he said, grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. He stopped walking when he reached my room. We were both standing in front of my door. "Come on, get in Tae!" he said. I was hesitant at first, thinking of what could be waiting for me inside. "Is Kai in there? Is this just a plot to get me to bed with you too?" I said jokingly. Jin laughed. "That's cute but no... Not yet at least..." he winked at me and once again laughed at his own joke. "OK, I'm going in." I said and opened the door.

When I got in, I saw Kai, sitting on my bed with his back facing the door. "I was right wasn't I ?!" I chuckled. "So, me and Jin have been talking about this for a while now." Kai said without moving a muscle. "Yes and since I saw you that day, I've been wanting it even more." Jin added. "GUYS! YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY!" I yelled and pulled the hair from the sides of my head. "Bark!"... "What was that?!" I asked, surprised by the unexpected sound. "We got a dog!" Kai said while getting up and setting free the beautiful animal. The dog run straight to me and started sniffing me. Without hesitating, I got on my knees and started petting him. "Oh my god guys!" I exclaimed. "Isn't he beautiful?" Jin said but I was too busy getting to know our new friend, to answer. "I think he likes it." Kai said, approached Jin and gave him a peck on the lips. "Jin and I have been talking about getting a dog ever since we started dating." Kai said. "And ever since I saw you share your only food with that stray dog, I knew that this cute little puppy would get all the love he needed in this house." Jin continued Kai's sentence, like those cute couple you see on TV. "Thank you guys! This is the best thing ever!" I exclaimed. "So how should we name him?" Kai asked. The puppy was a golden retriever with golden fur and hazel eyes. "We should name him Cookie!" Jin exclaimed. Kai seemed excited with the idea. "Yeah! He looks like a Cookie!" he said. The minute I heard the name Cookie, my brain went blank. Every memory from all those years ago came back and I started crying. "Tae? What happened is everything OK?" Jin asked worried. They both sat on the floor next to me and patted my back softly. "Yeah, everything is fine." I said and wiped my tears, trying to get a hold of myself. "So what do you think about the name?" Kai asked. I wiped the last teardrop away from my cheeks before I spoke. "Anything but Kookie..." I said with a soft, broken voice. They didn't ask any questions. They must have realized that Kookie was trigger, my candle. "What about V?" Kai said. "He is a retrieVer after all, isn't he?" he added, emphasizing on the letter V. Only Jin laughed at Kai's bad pun but weirdly enough we all liked the name. "V it is then!" Jin said. I picked up the puppy and kissed his cute little black snout. "Welcome to the family, V."

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