The past ( Pt.2 )

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Tae's POV

I was looking at him throughout the whole story. He never took his sight off the floor. He was talking and I could feel the pain in his voice and the loss in his eyes. His story reminded me of everything that happened to me before I ended up homeless, begging for food. I wanted to say something, comfort his damaged soul but I couldn't find the right words. "I'm sorry" I finally said, "I'm sorry about everything, I was damaged and you took me in, you showed me affection and believe me it's been so long since someone cared for me." I paused and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry that I didn't take the time to ask about you and how you came to be." I rubbed the back of his hand with my thumb softly. Jin looked at me and smiled. "You shouldn't be apologizing. I'm the one who overreacted. It's just that Taemin was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. That candle is the only meaningful thing I have left to remind me of him." He took his hand away from my grasp and placed it near his eyes in an attempt to hold in his tears. "What about the ring he gave you?" I asked. "The day after his funeral, I went to confront my father once again, I was sure that he was the one behind Taemin's death..."

Jin's POV


I texted my brother to open the door because I knew that if I knocked, my father wouldn't let me in. I stormed into the house, furious but desperate. I saw my father sitting on the sofa, reading his newspaper like he always does. "It was you, wasn't it?" I said with my voice hoarse. He glimpsed at me over the newspaper and went back to reading. "Answer me! It was you! You killed him." I was shouting at his face, my mother and brother were watching from a safe distance because they were both afraid of him. and honestly so was I but I couldn't rest without knowing if he did it or not. My father got up, "You better watch your mouth, f*ggot" he said while walking towards me slowly. "Be a man and admit what you did!" I continued yelling. He pushed me back with both of his hands hitting on my chest. "So what if I did? One less impotent in this world. If you ask me, I did you a favor. Now you can go be with a woman, like you are supposed to do!" He smirked and reached for his pocket. "That little piece of sh*t thought that he would make me pity him by saying that you two got engaged." He was now holding Taemin's ring. I looked at my hand to see if the rings were identical. I didn't want to believe that he had actually done it. He threw it over his back. I ran to pick it up but before I could get past him, I felt a piercing pain at my stomach. " You are such a girl." He said and started laughing hysterically. The punch on my stomach got me on my feet. "You are..." I whispered over my heavy-breathing. "What did you say f*g?" I managed to gather all of my strength to get up on my feet and face him. "You are half the man he was." my lips formed a weak smirk. I saw shock in his eyes. The next thing I remember, is his fist against my face. He beat me up until he was satisfied. When my brother tried to intervene, he gave him a good beating too, telling him that when he sides with homos he must be one too. "STOP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, trying to stop him from beating the life out of Namjoon. He walked towards me and bend down to reach for my hand. "I guess you won't be needing this anymore." he said before taking off my engagement ring. "This will earn me some money at the pawn shop. Now get the fuck out of this house before I kill you too!" I got up on my feet, my body felt numb from the pain. "Give it back! This is mine!" He looked at me with pure hatred in his eyes. "Leave now or your brother will pay the price." My eyes traveled on Namjoon's body, laying on the ground, beaten. I turned my back and left, forever.

Tae's POV

I couldn't comprehend what he had just told me. And I thought that my past was a living hell. "What did you do after you left? Why didn't you go to the cops?" Jin wiped the tears from his cheeks and sighed. "I couldn't prove that he did it and I couldn't put my family in danger. After that day, Taemin's parents, provided me with a home until I could find a job and a house of my own."  Jin got up from the bed and walked towards the nearest wall. He placed his hand on the empty surface and caressed it with affection. "This is the house that Taemin found for us." I got up and hugged him. "I know that we just met but for me you are my guardian angel, you came when I needed you the most. I want to do the same for you, I will always be by your side, no matter what. I'll be your shoulder to cry on when the nights get unbearable and your punch bag when life treats you roughly. I want to be the ring you lost, the only thing that gave you hope." I broke the hug and looked inside his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me, on the cheek. "Thank you Tae, you know, I'm supposed to be your savior, not the other way around!" He laughed at his joke to lighten the mood. "Thanks for sharing your story with me Jin." I smiled. "Since you're going to be a part of my life from now on I thought that it was the right thing to do, last time I kept it to myself I ended up breaking up with someone that meant a lot to me." Jin said and Kai's words before he left earlier, crossed my mind.

"I'm glad you found someone that makes you happy Jin." I smiled at him and looked away. My feelings for him were growing by the minute but I couldn't step between him and his happiness. He already had enough drama for a lifetime  and I didn't want to add more to his collection. "It's funny how life works." Jin smiled. "What do you mean?" I asked in confusion. "I've known you for less than two days but I feel like we've known each other for years." I placed my hand on his shoulder, "I feel like I've known you forever too, what can you say, some things are just meant to be!" We both giggled before Jin had an idea. "It's already dinner time, we've been talking for hours! I have a great idea!" I had completely lost track of time. The sun had already set and I hadn't even noticed it. "As long as it will cheer you up, I'm in!" I exclaimed. "I'll call Kai and tell him to come over. We are going to have a pajama party!" I was taken by surprise by his suggestion. "A pajama party?" I asked and Jin laughed. "It's not like that, we are just going to wear our pajamas and watch a horror movie or something! It will be fun!" Jin got super excited. I was happy that he had cheered up and I didn't want to ruin that. " I'm in but there is only one small problem here." Jin looked at me worried. "What problem?" he asked. "I sleep naked and from what I saw earlier, so do you and Kai." Jin suddenly got beet red and looked away. "OK, we can stay in our underwear cause I only own a single pair of pajamas and I don't see this working any other way." he said while smiling with his eyes. "Sure, it's not like I'm shy or anything." I chuckled. "Let me call Kai and tell him to come over." Jin grabbed his phone and dialed Kai's number. He put it on speaker and we waited for him to answer. 

"Hey baby! Is everything OK?" Kai answered the phone. "Everything is fine babe! Me and Tae had a great idea!" Jin replied. "I'm intrigued" Kai said with a soft voice. "Can you come over? We're having a pajama party!" After a moment of silence Kai finally spoke. "Should I bring food?" Me and Jin looked each other, excited by Kai's suggestion. "What do you crave Tae?" Jin asked me. Without a second of hesitation, I replied with a single word. "PIZZA!" Both Jin and Kai laughed. "I'll be over there in about an hour. You should pick a very scary movie until then. Love you!" Kai said. "Love you too Kai." Jin replied before hanging up. We both got up and I looked at Jin kind of embarrassed for what I was about to ask. "So... can you give me some underwear?"

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