It's Christmas

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Tae's POV

We entered Jin's house and I saw a bunch of cardboard boxes on the living room floor. "Is someone moving out?" I asked, clearly curious. "No silly! It's Christmas in a couple of hours so I thought we could decorate!" Jin exclaimed. "Are you sure babe?" Kai asked while looking at Jin worried. "What is going on?" I asked in my attempt to keep up. "Ever since that day, well I haven't really been feeling the holiday spirit." He paused, "But thanks to you two, I have turned over a new page!" He smiled at me while putting his arm over Kai's shoulders. "OK then! Let's get started!" Kai said as he walk towards the biggest box of them all and opened it. He picked a white tree out of the box and with the help of Jin he placed it on an empty corner. I opened a box I found near me and I discovered some pink and black ornaments. I handed them over to Kai to help me put them up. Before I could place the first ball on the tree, Jin stopped us with a loud "NO". Me and Kai looked back at him scared waited to hear what went wrong. "You are supposed to put on the lights first!!" he sighed. "Anything my baby wants." Kai said and gave Jin a peck on the nose. Jin handed him the Christmas lights and they put them on the tree. Now that the lights were on, we started decorating it. After a couple hours, everything was were it was supposed to be except one thing. Jin walked over to me and handed me the star. "You should put it on Tae." He said to me softly along with a warm smile. "Is it really OK?" I asked, the truth was that this was my favorite moment and the one I longed for. Jin nodded and I took the star. I walked slowly towards the Christmas tree, got on my tiptoes and placed the star on the tree. When the star was firmly placed on the top, Jin and Kai started clapping for me. For a moment there, I had forgotten all about my past. For a moment, I felt like I belong, like I was with my family. 

"Thank you guys..." I said and burst out in tears. I fell on my knees and cupped my face with my hands to cover my red now face. I felt both of them come and kneel beside me and hugging me. That made me only cry even more. "What's wrong bro?" Kai asked me with a condescending voice. "I-It's just that for a moment there... I felt like I was part of a family again..." I said over my loud crying. Jin laughed and I looked at him because I thought at first that he was making fun of me. "Tae, from now on you can consider yourself important, to me and to Kai too." He said before shortly rubbing the top of my head. "Yeah pal! We've got your back!" I fell on their arms and hugged them until I stopped crying. 

"I know that it's late and all that but I'm going to bake something nice to eat." Jin announced. "I hope you like chocolate chip cookies" he said while going to the kitchen. "I'll be back in half an hour or so." He said before vanishing to the kitchen. "Wanna dance again?" I dared to ask. "Hell yeah!" he yelled and put on some music. We dance and joked around until Jin came back. "I've put them in the oven. They should be ready in half an hour." Jin said and sat down on the couch, admiring his boyfriend who was now the one dancing. I danced after Kai and we asked Jin to pick a winner. "What? No way! I'm not picking one! You were both amazing!" Jin complained. Kai took off his shirt, bend down and whispered to Jin's ear, "Pick me and I will let you be the top tonight". Without wasting any more time, Jin looked at me with his eyes widened by Kai's offer. I could see his face slowly blushing brighter each second. "It's Kai! I pick Kai, he is the winner!" he said and I laughed hard. "Well, I guess that is an offer you can't resist, I don't blame you." We laughed it off but I knew that later Kai would keep his promise to Jin. Suddenly the alarm beeped and Jin went to the kitchen to check on the cookies. Not five minutes after, he came back with a big plate on his hand. He placed it on the coffee table and sat back down between me and Kai. "I hope they came out good." he said, picked one up and took a bite. "Oh god!" He exclaimed and shoved the other half on Kai's mouth. "They came out amazing!" Jin congratulated himself. "Babe they're great!" Kai said and kissed the cook. "Here." Kai said and passed me one cookie. I took a bite and felt in heaven. "Oh my god, that is probably the best cookie I have ever had..." I exclaimed in awe. 

Not long after, the pile of cookies was now just crumbs on the plate. "Hey guys..." I paused and rubbed the back off my neck nervously. "It's my birthday in a couple of days. If it's OK, can we like buy a cake and have a party? Just us three! I promise I'll pay you back once I get a job!" I asked and waited patiently for an answer. "Of course! You don't have to worry about a thing! When is it?" Jin asked. "It's at 30 of December, five days from now." I replied. "We'll go and buy a cake then! Don't worry! Kai is good at parties, he'll plan everything!" Jin said while looking at Kai. "Yeah don't worry Tae! We've got you!" Kai said and smiled at me. "Well it's official Christmas!" Jin said after checking the time. "Merry Christmas everyone!" I said and after we exchanged wishes Jin got up. "I think you owe me something babe." Jin said while walking up the stairs. "I'm coming!" Kai said and ran behind him. "Goodnight Tae!" they said in unison. "Have fun guys." I answered with a hint of laughter and went to bed too.

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