Take Care

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Tae's POV

I stood by his side every day for the last five months. I practically lived in this hospital too. He hated that I was missing out on my life because of him but i didn't mind because I did it out of love. Kai, Hoseok and San would visit us every time they could, staying for hours, cheering us up. The moment I got off work, I would drive straight to the hospital and then back home when it was time to sleep. Today was no different, I parked outside as always, greeted Sakura at the reception with a warm smile and walked towards Jin's room. "Hey sunshine! I brought you..." I stopped speaking as soon as I saw a nurse over a sleeping Jin. She seemed to notice me and with a warm smile she bowed and exited the room. "Hey Tae." I heard a cute voice calling me from behind. I turned around only to face Doctor Jungwoo with a forced smile on his face. "What's wrong Jungwoo?" I asked worried, my voice trembling at the thought that this could be the end. "I'm sorry Tae, we have to put him under a medically induced coma. His feeble heart is about to give up." he sniffled his nose, holding back his tears. He had to be professional about this even though Jin was his friend.

I clenched my firsts, trying to control my exasperation. "How long?" I muttered. "Days, unless we find a compatible donor." he sighed. "NO!" I said, punching a nearby wall with every inch of strength I had in me. The impact was so strong that I swear I heard my bones crack. Jungwoo run towards me and examined my hand. "You... You broke it Tae, what were you thinking!" he scolded me but I didn't care. "Take mine... Please, take my heart, test me and if I'm compatible, take mine!" I cried, falling on my knees, begging for a miracle. "We can't do that Tae, you are alive and it's against the law even if you consent." he explained. I shook my head, "There must be something we can do... Anything." I whispered over my sobbing. "I'm sorry Tae... For now let's treat your hand. You really did a number on it." 

He helped me up and we walked outside the room. He took me to a different room and treated my hand. "Jungwoo..." he looked up from my hand and into my eyes. "I'm dying, please let me do this for him." I spoke, my voice calm and soft. "What's wrong?" he asked worried. "I have a fatal disease, the details aren't important. What is important is that I have three years left to live and that my heart is unaffected." Jungwoo was speechless, he got up and hugged me. "I'm sorry Tae, I didn't know..." he said under his breath, "No one did, only Rose..." he stepped back and wiped his tears. "Still, we can't kill you before your time Tae." 

"You don't understand, Jin doesn't have much time... Let me do this for him, I'll talk to the board, I'll try to convince them, please!" I begged. "I'll talk to the board. Wait here." he turned his back and left. One hour later, Jungwoo came back with a dead serious look on his face. "The board is waiting for you Tae." 

We entered a room with a round table. About six people sitting on their respective sits and another two sitting on a couch nearby. I saw Doctor Soobin sitting on the couch next to a woman, Soobin was the doctor who diagnosed me then. Jungwoo took a sit next to Soobin on the couch. "Hello." I bowed. "I know what I'm asking you to do is unethical and against the law but it's the right thing to do. I'm dying and Doctor Soobin can confirm that my heart is intact by this disease. Seokjin had a rough time growing up but that didn't stop him for being the kindest person you will ever meet in this world. Thanks to him, I'm not in a cemetery right now, rotting away. He took me in and gave me a fresh start when everyone else had abandoned me. He just saw a helpless boy, he didn't have to help but he chose to. Seokjin helped me find a job, he introduced me to who is now my best friend, he helped me find a girl which later became my wife. He helped me raise my kids and when I lost everything he helped me again. He helped me go through it, he helped me not taking the easy way out. Thanks to Seokjin my live turned from a living hell to something brighter. He was there through every hardship, holding my hand, guiding me through it like a guardian angel and now... Now that I have the opportunity to help him instead, the law forbids me. I'm begging you, kneeling before this board of respective people, trying to save my guardian angel." I looked around, everyone was shedding tears over my life story. "Doctor Soobin?" The head of the table spoke. "Yes sir! Taehyung is in fact telling the truth about his medical condition." the tall man answered in an instant. "Hmm... Very well, give up some time to talk this through and we will tell you our decision." I bowed and exited the room.

The time I waited felt like ages even though it was only two hours. My heart was beating faster than ever, my adrenaline reaching its high. Suddenly the glass door opened and Jungwoo told me to come in. I walked through the open door, cold sweat running down my body, my hands trembling from the stress. "We considered everything you told us Mr. Kim. The patient seems to deserve what you are providing but unfortunately we can't go through with it. We can't in good conscience kill another human being and harvest a perfectly healthy organ. We are sorry." 

They refused. Seokjin would die and I would be left alone once again. I could save him but they wouldn't let me. "I'm sorry Seokjin, please take care." I whispered. My mind went blank, rage building up my body. Why wouldn't they let me save him? Why would they take away my chance to repay Seokjin for everything? "NO!" I yelled. "Mr Kim please control yourself." a woman warned me. "I WILL SAVE HIM EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" I picked up an empty chair and threw it on the glass door. I ran towards the shattered glass before anyone could react, picked one up and shoved it right in my carotid artery. I jabbed it again and again, people were looking at me shocked while others ran to stop me. Two men grabbed my hands and restrained me. I fought back, managing to free one my hands for one last cut before everything went black.


So lovelies... one more chapter left T_T

I can't believe it's almost over. Thank you for reading and I hope you are excited for the final chapter.

I'm working on some bonus chapters as well so please expect them too! 

Please take care of yourselves!!

xx Dean

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