Holy Trinity

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Tae's POV

"We should go clubbing. It's Sunday tomorrow!" Kai suggested. "That's a great idea!" Jin exclaimed. We all started getting ready. Not long after all three of us met at the living room, all dressed up and nice. "Come, I'll drive." Jin said and we followed him to his car. We arrived at the club. After paying the entry fee, we got in and headed for the bar. We all got our drinks and started bouncing softly up and down to the rhythm. After two or five glasses, we started dancing like weirdos. Suddenly a twerk song came on and Kai got super excited. He got up on the small stage and started dancing like a thirsty hoe. "You coming?" I asked Jin but he shook his head. I jumped on the stage and danced with Kai. Our bodies glued together, moving in unison. I turned my back and got down on him, twerking my ass off. I could see Jin, enjoying himself and laughing at us. The song finished so we got off the stage and continued dancing on the floor, with Jin. "You want a refill?" I asked but they both declined. I walked to the bar and ordered another drink. Suddenly I felt someone from behind me, poking my shoulder softly. "Hey." he said and I turned around. "Hey." I smiled. "You've got some moves." He said. "I'm Hoseok." he added. "My name is Tae, nice to meet you!" I felt kind of awkward. He was super hot but I was in love with Jin and I couldn't think of another man or woman besides him. "Can I buy you a drink?" he offered. "I-I'm sorry Hoseok... You look like a great guy but..." he cut me off "I get it, you like someone else." He picked something out of his pocket and gave it to me. "Here is my number, call me if you change your mind or you just want to... blow off some steam." he winked at me and walked away. I looked at the card he gave me. "Hoseok, professional choreographer." 

I got back to the guys with my drink. "Did you just let that hottie go?" Kai asked surprised. "Yeah, I-I wasn't in the mood." I lied, scratching the back of my head. We kept on dancing and drinking until it was 4 a.m. "We should get going." Jin hadn't drink much because he would drive us home. We got into the car and drove home. We were singing our hearts off throughout the ride. When we finally reached our destination, we got inside the house and sat on the couch. Jin offered the both of us a glass of water. That was when I noticed Kai's pants. "WOW! Someone has gotten a little excited." I teased him. Both me and Kai were clearly light headed. "Yeah, these pants are killing me!" and without hesitation he removed them, exposing his huge boner. I was taken aback by his action but I didn't mind the sight. "Why don't we go upstairs? I will take care of that for you." Jin said and winked at Kai. They both run upstairs as fast as they could. After I heard Jin's bedroom door close, I decided to go to sleep as well. I got to my room, got naked and laid on the bed. Not long after I heard a knock on the door. "Yes?" I asked. Kai opened the door and walked inside. Still naked and hard. Not long after Jin followed. "What is going on?" I asked. They both approached my bed and stood next to each side of me. "We talked and..." Jin said. "We want you to join us for tonight." Kai added.

Before I knew it, this turned into the best night of my life.

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