The Informant

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Jin's POV

I've already texted Kai to come over, I was ready to talk and let him know about everything. I felt bad about myself for the way I treated him. Suddenly I heard the door bell so I stood up from the couch and opened the door. "Come in." I smiled at him softly but with eyes filled with guilt. We sat in the couch next to each other, I took a deep breath and started explaining about everything that happened with my father and Namjoon. He was just standing there, listening to my every word, empathizing with his eyes. "I'm sorry Kai, I should have told you. I regret breaking up with you." I said in the end. Kai didn't respond immediately, instead, he looked down and played with his fingers. "Please say something..." I begged. "I don't know what I'm supposed to say, are you asking me to be back together? Cause if you do, I don't think that I can do that." he said, still looking away from me. "I-I'm sorry Kai, I didn't mean to hurt you... "

"But you did..." he cut me off "You can't just treat me like some side chick  Jin, we are... were in a relationship, you can't just push me away every time something bad happens, I'm supposed to be the for you Seokjin." his voice started rising but he controlled his temper towards the end. "I'm sorry." That was the only thing that I could say, he was right and I knew it. "I can't be your boyfriend Jin, besides, you need to stop lying to yourself." he paused. My eyes widened, not knowing what would come next. "What we had was great, we can still be friends but there is someone else your in love Jin, I can see it in your eyes. The way you look at him..." he said, was it really that obvious? Did Kai know me better than I knew myself? I wasn't aware of my feelings for Taehyung until our kiss last night. But Kai, he knew all along.

"I guess you're right..." I cried out and Kai embraced me in his arms. "Don't worry, I'll still be here, as your friend. You'll never lose me." he comforted me while rubbing my back softly.

A familiar sound interrupted our emotional moment. It was the sound of my phone, ringing. I looked at the caller's ID and froze in place." Who is it?" Kai asked worried. "It's my mother." I responded. I sniffled my nose and wiped my tears away before taking the call.


Tae's POV

"Can I take your order?" Jisoo teased us. Having a date at the Blackpink Cafe/pastry shop wasn't ideal but it wasn't that bad either. "Get us two number fives." Rose ordered her sister jokingly. Despite me working here for a long time now, I've never heard of number five before. I knew the codes from one to four but never five. "Hey, whats number five?" I asked Rose, filled with curiosity. "It's an inside thing between me and my sisters, it's not really on the menu. Number five stands for a waffle with triple praline, extra whipped cream and an insane amount of truffles on top." she had me drooling over this delicious dessert. "Well, why am I just hearing about this?" I whined playfully which made Rose laugh. Not five minutes later, her sister came back holding two plates. She placed one in front of each of us and smiled. "Bon appetite."

About half an hour past and I could see that Rose was struggling to tell me something, I didn't want to push her so I waited until she felt ready. "Hey Tae, I was thinking. We've been dating for a while now and I know that you stay with Jin but..." she paused and looked away nervously. I grabbed her hand and caressed the top of it. "You can tell me." I smiled, giving her the courage to say what was on her mind.

"I want you to come and live with me." she asked and closed her eyes shut, awaiting for an answer. I chuckled at how cute she looked and pinched her nose softly. "I'd love that but I can't right now. Jin is going through some stuff and I want to be there for him, I owe him that much." I explained. "I understand but my offer still stands, when Jin feels better you can move in with me." she said and leaned in for a kiss.

Midway through the kiss my phone started vibrating. "Sorry." I apologized and picked up my phone.

( Tae
Kai )


"I can't talk much, where are you?"

"I'm with Rose at her Cafe."

"We're coming to pick you up, Jin's mom called, his brother woke up and he says that he has information that can lock his father up for good."

"Is it a good idea for me to be there? It sounds like a family matter."

"Namjoon asked for you too, I don't know how or why. We are outside come fast."

"Babe I'm sorry, I have to go." I excused myself. "It's fine, go, we'll talk later." she smiled and I ran outside. Jin and Kai were waiting for me inside Jin's car. I got in and we drove off to the hospital.

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