Bonus: New Member

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"Are you ready?" Hoseok asked, giving his beloved a peck on the lips. "What if they think that we are not good enough?" Kai shook his head, trying to push his insecurities away. "Then we will try again and again. Until they find us good enough." Hoseok smiled, softly running the back of his palm down Kai's cheek. Kai smiled from ear to ear and kissed his lover before jumping out of their bed. "Get dressed, I'll wait you by the car." Hoseok said and walked away.

Kai opened his closet and looked around, searching for an appropriate outfit but nothing seemed good enough. Finally he singled out a pair of black slim fit trousers and a hot red shirt that he tucked inside his pants. To finish his look, he wore his best black shoes and threw on a black bomber jacket. After taking a final look in the mirror, Kai through away the jacket, smiled and ran outside to meet Hoseok.

The drive was about an hour and the couple was rather quiet. Hoseok parked outside a building and looked towards Kai while unbuckling his seat belt. "Are you nervous?" he asked, his voice putting in immense amounts of effort in order not to crack or tremble. Kai nodded without making a sound. "Yeah me too... We can do this Kai. I believe in us baby." Hoseok reassured the man. "Besides, you look hot in red, who would resist you wearing that?" Hoseok joked around to lighten the mood and Kai giggled at his lovers joke. "I love you babe." Kai leaned in for a kiss that lasted more than intended. "I love you too Kai, let's do this." said Hoseok before exiting the car. Kai followed shortly after and they walked side by side towards the door of a big building. Their eyes met and with a glance of reassurment Hoseok placed his hand on the handle and opened the door.

"Hello!" a cute girl exclaimed and walked towards them, giving them a tight hug one at a time. Both of them flustered, they looked at each other, not sure of what to say but before they got the chance to speak, the girl talked again. "My name is Miyawaki Sakura! You must be Kai and Hoseok right?" the guys nodded. "Nice to meet you! Please follow me." the girl was pretty intense and didn't leave them much space to exist so they just followed her inside. Her pace was rather frantic and sure. She seemed like she knew this place like the back of her hand. "Here we are!" she said while entering a office like room. It was pretty narrow and uncomfortable. A desk was resting in the middle of the room. Sakura sat on her chair and pointed them to sit on the opposite side.

"So, you seem like great people but this is no joke. I will be thorough and I WILL give you the third degree if I have to." her features suddenly became dark and scary. She seemed ready for a war she knew she would win. "If you think that there is something that you are not comfortable answering about you or your past then you should just leave right now because I do not like wasting my time. Am I perfectly understood?" her eyes were on fire and the boys felt intimidated by her sudden change of character. They both offered her a series of intense affirmative nods and she suddenly went back to the girl they met at the lobby. Her warm smile replaced her serious lips and a refreshing aura took the place of her warlord-like self. "Great then! Let's get started!" her bright eye smile made them feel a little safer now but they were still terrified by her sudden mood swings.

"Tell me a bit about yourselves." she smiled while taking a notepad accompanied by a pen out of a drawer. They boys hesitated and Sakura rolled her eyes and sighed. "Let's start with you Kai, what do you do?" she said, clicking the pen open. "Well, I used to work at my father's butchery but now I've opened my own dance studio where I teach and help young kids achieve their dreams." he gave her a smile warmer than the sun and her heart fluttered. "You are so adorable!!!" she squealed and continued taking notes on her pad. "What about you?" Sakura's eyes traveled upon Hoseok. He swallowed nervously and the sound made Sakura chuckle. "You don't have to be nervous." she reassured them, "Look, I already like you so let's try being a bit more relaxed, shall we?" she said before placing her notes downwards on the desk. "Try again." she smiled. Hoseok exhaled in an attempt to calm himself. "I used to be a private investigator, well I kinda still am but now it's more like a weekend job. I convinced Kai to follow his dreams and open his dance studio where I also take over some classes and help him overall." they boys looked at each other and smiled "You guys are so cute, I ship it!" Sakura screeched, not even trying to hide her fangirling over a cute gay couple. "I like you, you seems like great people so I will skip the boring stuff. Last question for you." she clicked her tongue and grinned with mischief. "Why do you think you deserve to be foster parents?" she smirked, knowing that this was the question that most couples failed to answer correctly. The answers were always scripted and prerehearsed, Sakura wouldn't let a bunch of liars adopt children! She was hoping that Kai and Hoseok would be different though. They boys looked at each other and nodded. "We had a perfect answer prepared but it just feels so, fake..." Hoseok sighed heavily and let Kai continue "If we're being honest, we both have faced hardships, and we both came to each other's lives unexpected. We fell in love and now here we are, years later, taking the next step." he smiled and grabbed his lovers hand. Hoseok took the lead now, "And it's not about having a kid, it's about sharing our love for each other with someone else. It's about raising someone that wasn't so fortunate, giving them a home and two people that love them no matter what. I know how it feels to be alone in the world, I was a foster kid myself and I never found a family to love and care for me." he stopped, tears ran down his cheeks. But they were tears of joy. "Everything I didn't have growing up, Kai provided to me. He loves me and I love him and that is enough." they were both staring at each other. Their eyes filled with love and affection. Nothing could break them apart and they knew it. The sound of intense sobbing snapped them back to reality and they looked back at Sakura." You guys are... My heart..." she sniffled before wiping her tears away. "OK, let's go meet the kids." she jumped out of her chair and walked out of the room swiftly, taking the boys by surprise, trying their best to keep up as she took sharp turns and went through what seemed like completely random doors.

"Here we are." she stood in front of a closed door. "You will go in and meet the kids. I suggest not giving everyone much hope since only one is going back home with you." her voice became strict and the boys nodded out of breath from all the running. She smiled lovingly and opened the door. They all walked inside and a swarm of kids surrounded them. "Take it easy kids, you will all get your chance to talk with them." she instructed and they all took a step back. The boys looked around the room, glancing over a dozen of kids, looking at them with puppy eyes. Kai and Hoseok could hear the children's hearts beating out of their chests. They looked at each other and smiled." OK kids! Make a line in front of the guys and briefly introduce yourselves." Sakura instructed firmly and the children obeyed. A straight line formed in front of them and like clockwork, they introduced their selves one by one, informing their possible future family about their names, hobbies and aspirations.

After every single kid on the line had their chance to speak, Kai looked at Hoseok and smiled with soft dread. "What are we going to do Hoseok? They are all so adorable!" Hoseok nodded turning towards Kai. Only then did Kai noticed something weird. Kai flicked his head, pointing over Hoseok's shoulder with his eyes. Hoseok turned around and saw a cute little boy. He hadn't introduced himself to them and he seemed sad, sitting in the corner playing alone. Something about him intrigued the two soon to be fathers and they approached him slowly.

"Hey there." Kai's voice came out soft and calm, embracing the boy just with two simple words. The boy looked up and smiled sadly. "What's wrong? Why didn't you introduce yourself with the rest?" Hoseok said in a warm comforting tone. "I..." the boy's soft voice cracked and a single tear fell down his eyes. "It's OK, you can tell us." Kai hugged the boy in his warm fatherly embrace. "Everyone knows what they want and what they like. What their hobbies are and what they want to be growing up." he cried, "The only thing I know is my name and that nobody wants to adopt me." he sniffled, wiping away the streams of tears running down his blushed cheeks. "Well, what's your name then?" Hoseok smiled at the boy with his face emitting light brighter than the biggest star in the sky. "My name is San." the boy blinked surprised at the sudden question. "San, listen, life isn't easy and you don't always know what is the thing that makes you happy. Sometimes you have to fight to find out your purpose in life. I know it won't be easy but if you have around you people that love and care for you, that fight is going to be bearable." Hoseok winked at the little boy. "What do you say San? Would you like to be a part of our family?" Kai asked with a bright eye smile. The boy's face lightened up in a blink of an eye. He jumped up and nodded intensely. "Great! What's your favorite game San?" Kai asked and without thinking the boy replied "I love to play pirates!" the men chuckled and Kai picked San up in his arms. "Let's go home and then we can play, you can be the pirate king if you want!" Kai cooed and the boy laughed and nodded, his face emitting immense happiness. "Let's go home then, son."


I guess with this chapter I just wanted to say that it's perfectly natural for gay couples to adopt. Love and affection doesn't come in genders.

To every couple out there, no matter their sexual preferences, struggling to adopt, please don't stop trying. One day you'll make it.

Thank you for reading everyone!! 💜

One last bonus chapter left. 😭
I'm not ready to say goodbye. 😓

Also, we are close to 50 followers, how did that happen?!

Thank you and please drink lots of water.

xx Dean

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