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Tae's POV

( 1 year later )

The alarm woke me up, was it already time for work? I rubbed my eyes with my knuckles, trying to stay awake. "Good Morning Tae!" Jin exclaimed, slowly walking in the room, holding a tray with goodies. He bit his lips in his attempt to focus as to not spill anything. He placed the tray on the bedside table next to me and bent down, giving me a peck on the lips. "Good morning baby." I smiled. "I made you breakfast! Croissant, scones and fresh orange juice!" he said jumping on the bed next to me.

I picked up the tray and dove in. Everything was perfectly baked by Jin's hands. The flavor was almost orgasmic, I found myself drooling with every bite. "Babe this is amazing!" I exclaimed and he giggled, accepting my compliment.

Jin and I have been together for six months. I realized that I had no one to love me like Jin loved me. And deep inside, buried away because of my grief, I felt the same way. It took me six whole months to realize that nothing I would do would bring my family back. Rose would want me to move on, to be happy.

I would get nightmares every night about my family but Jin was always there, telling me that everything is going to be OK.

"I will always be here for you, to witness your highs and your lows. To save you when you can't save yourself. To love you when you feel like no one loves you. This is my promise to you." Jin's words stayed with me ever since. His promise was what helped me make it through.

"Tae, I have some news." Jin's voices snapped me out of my daydreaming. I looked back at him, with a scone stuffed between my cheeks.

"So you know how Kai and Hoseok are about to marry right?" I nodded at his question, shoving another bite of the croissant inside my already full mouth. "Well, they decided to adopt a baby!" he exclaimed with the brightest smile in the world. "Wait... REALLY?!" I almost choked on my food. "I'm so happy for them!!" I added after making sure that there was no more food left in my mouth.

"I'm happy that you're happy." Jin winked, his lips slowly forming into a lusty grin. "How happy exactly are you?" I grinned, licking my upper lip in the process. With a swift movement, Jin straddled me, throwing the now empty tray on the floor. "This much ha?" I teased him before he locked his lips against mine. Our tongues intertwined and our bodies became one. Jin slowly grinding his hips against my member. The fact that we both slept naked, didn't help out 'excitement'. We broke the kiss, gasping for air.

Jin went down my neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. His puffy lips were now caressing my collarbones. I could feel his hot breath against my body as he traveled further down my body.

"Wait don't! I-I have to get ready for work!" I moaned softly. His hands were already on my thighs, his face inches apart from my member, his eyes locked on mine. "It's Sunday baby, you don't have to work today." he bit his full lips softly.

(skip this part if you don't want to read smut. It won't have any plot development. I will point out with bolded writing when it stops)

Before I had the chance to reply, his lips were already against the tip of my members, softly sucking on it. I let our a breathy moan, my body overwhelmed with pleasure. Jin's hands traveled on my abdomen while he went further down my member. With consecutive bobbing, he embraced my full length, an act that made my whole body twitch. "Ah, yes suck me." I whisperer under my moans. Jin made eye contact once again before getting my member out of his mouth.

He placed his knees on each side of my hips, placing his entrance above my length. "I love you." he whispered before he slowly descended, pushing my member against his entrance. His hands were on my balls, firmly holding my member in place. He slowly slid it all inside before he started riding me. He was calm at first, slowing moving his hips to help him adjust to my rather big member but not long after, he started riding me like a crazy cowboy. Our moans echoing through the empty house. "I'm close baby!" I breathed out, unable to control myself at the sight of the elder, naked, riding my every inch. But he didn't stop, instead, he rode me even harder, something that I didn't even think was possible at this time. With my loudest moan yet, I released everything I was storing inside of me, filling his insides with sticky juice.

That warm feeling must have excited Seokjin because as soon as I finished squirting, he came all over my abs and chest.


He collapsed on top of me. Both of us breathing heavily and smiling at each other. "Maybe we should adopt too." he suggested. Giving me a peck on the neck. "We have a dog together, I'm pretty sure we can handle a child." I joked. We laid there exhausted, embracing each other's bodies until we both fell asleep again.


Thank you for reading!!

Taejin smut is finally here, did you like it?

I hope it didn't feel out of place.

As always votes and comments make my heart flutter.

Please eat well and stay hydrated.

xx Dean

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