Bonus: A Christmas Adventure

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"Daddy!!" a six years old Yeonjun rushed into his father's embrace. "Hey there buddy!" Tae giggled and rubbed the top of the youngsters head. The little boy felt so happy seeing his father coming back from work. Taemin descended the stairs swiftly and jumped on his father too, pushing   the slightly younger sibling away. "Taemin!!" Yeonjun cried, pushing his brother away. Seconds before they initiated an intense wrestle, their father grabbed them both by their shoulders and separated them. "Guys... We have talked about this..." he sighed. "Sorry daddy..." the twins apologized in unison and in the same pitch, just like you see in movies. "It's OK, just don't forget that you are brothers and you will always have each other." he smiled and hugged both of his sons. "Can we play outside daddy?" Yeonjun begged, displaying his skilled puppy eyes that no human being had been able to resist yet. "Ah, fine." Taehyung sighed. "It's snowing so be careful. And take V with you too!" the cute canine appeared out of nowhere at the sound of his name. Running circles around Tae with its tongue hanging out of its mouth. "Come V!" the boys shouted while running towards the glass door leading to the backyard.

Their backyard was always a great place to play or relax. It was covered with grass that Tae made sure to trim every other Saturday. It had a cute graphic tree that had a table build around the trunk and a bunch of chairs laying on the side. A DIY swing made out of rope and a tire was hanging nearby from a firm branch and if you looked beyond the swing you could see V's doghouse resting, deserted in the back. The dog house served a mostly a decorative purpose since V didn't use it much because he stayed inside the house most of the time. During winter, their backyard was completely different though. It was covered in a layer of thick snow. The grass was completely coated and you could barely see the dog house. The tree was stripped naked from its beautiful green leaves and the chairs were stored away until spring.

The kids ran outside and played with the snow, making little snow angels and having snow fights. The snow reached their knees and even though they made sure to dress well, they still felt the cold underneath their clothing. V ran around, going insane over all the snowballs flying through the sky. The kids were having fun and giggling loudly but before they could even realize it, a strong wind came around and brought a small snowstorm along. V's barks weren't enough to notify the kids before they got buried under a small amount of snow.

Taemin dug his way out and looked around, searching for Yeonjun but he was nowhere to be found. "Yeonjun! Yeonjunie!" he shouted but no answer. He got up and started running towards where he thought he last saw his brother. Terrified that something awful might have happened, he found himself standing in front of what seemed like a hanging tree. "Taemin!" he heard a voice from behind him and the boy immediately turned around. Seeing his brother, his eyes overflowed with relief. He ran to his arms and hugged him tight, so tight that he would never lose him again. "Are you OK Yeonjunie?" he asked worried and the younger nodded. "I think we're lost." Yeonjun sighed worried, his eyes filled with terror for the unknown. "It's OK, don't worry as long as we stick together, we will make it through." Taemin reassured his brother with a smile.

A weird growl-like sound startled the young boys. They looked towards the the mist that covered the air. A creature like silhouette approached them from afar." I-Is it..." Yeonjun stuttered and his brother reached for his hand. "Whatever you do, do not move." Taemin ordered, emphasizing his last words. The boys trembled as the figure approached, in high velocity. "MONSTEEEEER!!!" Yeonjun shouted and started running away from the unknown threat, Taemin followed behind him immediately, both boys screaming their lungs out. They ran and ran until they stumbled upon a cave. "Here!" Taemin screeched, almost out of breath before grabbing Yeonjun and pulling him inside this narrow, weird looking cave. "Taemin..." Yeonjun whimpered with his heart still beating in his throat. "It's OK Yeonjunie, the monster can't get us here. We're safe." he reassured his brother while trying to calm himself down. "It's not that... V is still out there, the monster might get him!"  Yeonjun swallowed his cries in order to stay quiet, trying not to reveal their hide out to this vicious monster lurking outside. "Don't worry, everything is going to be OK." Taemin said but didn't actually believe that, he knew that they were going to die there if no one would come to rescue them but he wanted to be strong for his brother. He knew that this creature had preyed upon their beloved dog and that him and his brother were the main course.

The boys heard footsteps approaching the cave. A shadow followed alongside terrifying squeals. The shadow approached them more by the second rendering them petrified with fear. "I love you Taemin.", "I love you too Yeonjun." they boys cried out, accepting their fate, waiting to be ravished by the merciless beast but just in time a unworldly swoosh sound, scared the beast away. The boys saw the shadow ran away from the cave and towards the unknown before an angelic voice resonated throughout the thick mist and the freezing snow. "Come inside! Dinner is ready!" the sound of their mothers voice brought joy and warmth to their hearts. They ran out of the doghouse that they previously saw as a cave, passed through the swing that used to be the hanging tree and raced V inside the house. "Did you guys have fun?" Tae asked when they all sat at the dinner table. The kids glanced at each other and with a sneaky smirk they looked back at their father and nodded. They would keep this little adventure to themselves, for now at least. They knew that they could always count on each other and that was all that mattered.


So I really wanted to write something about Tae's kids and this was the perfect opportunity... I think at least oof.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know what you think!

There are a couple more bonus chapters on the way including Taemin ( the original) and some Kai x Hoseok action.

Please look forward to those and stay hydrated.

xx Dean

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