The Informant (Pt.2)

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Tae's POV

Jin parked the car near the entrance and he ran inside as fast as he could. Me and Kai followed him inside. "Where do you think you're going?!" a nurse sitting behind the reception desk shouted towards Jin but he ignored her completely. "Sorry, his brother just woke up from a coma." I apologized on his behalf and followed Kai to Namjoon's room. We were now standing outside of the room. The door was closed shut and a man was sitting outside. He seemed impatient but when he saw us he was relieved. "Finally!" he exclaimed, "He wouldn't talk unless you were here..." the man said. "And who are you?" Jin asked offended by the way the man talked to us. "I'm the detective on the case." he said with a grin, indicating his power over things. "Let's get inside." Kai suggested and he nodded, opening the door and letting us in. "Joonie!" Jin exclaimed in a sad tone. His brother was beat up, his face was swollen and bruised but at least he was alive. "Hey bro." Joonie's voice was weak but he managed to give his brother a smile before coughing. "So, I hate to interrupt this touching reunion, we have to talk..." the detective said frustrated. "Yes, now that everyone is here, I'll tell you everything." Namjoon took a deep breath and started explaining everything. "I have proof about dad's abuse, I bought a secret camera and planted it on the television, I recorded everything, even the day that he beat the crap out of you when you told him about Taemin. I got everything on film, when he hit mom, even now that he beat me almost to death." he smiled a victorious smile."But baby, why didn't you say anything for so long?" his mother asked with tears streaming down her eyes. "I was afraid of him, but not anymore. I've had en...!" a cough interrupted him words. "Sorry," he said and took a sip of water. "Wait, does that mean... You got him on tape confessing to killing Taemin?" Jin almost fainted at the realization that Taemin would finally get the justice he deserved. Namjoon looked away from Jin and sighed, "Unfortunately the feed is without audio so no, but..." he paused and looked towards me, "This is why I asked for you to be here Taehyung..." he coughed again. "I-I don't understand..." I was confused, I didn't know what I had to do with any of this. Namjoon nodded towards the investigator and he exited the room, one minute later he came back with another man following behind him. The sight of this man had me shook. "Wait isn't he the one..." before Kai could finish his sentence, I said his name in awe, covering my open mouth with my hands. "Hoseok?!" The young man smiled at me and raised his hand to greet me. "Hoseok is the private investigator I hired, the reason he approached you specifically Taehyung was because of someone, linked to Taemin's murder..." Namjoon coughed again and continued, "That day, dad wasn't the only one who stabbed Taemin, there was another guy who stabbed Taemin." Joon coughed again so Hoseok took the chance to continue, "According to my theory, this other guy lured Taemin away and stabbed him first so your father could finish the job. He was simply a decoy who injured him enough so he couldn't resist or fight back." Hoseok explained. "But what does that have to do with me?" I asked, still not understanding why I was involved in any of this. "That night at the club, I was there to investigate you, to make sure you didn't mean any harm to Jin, because..." he paused, searching for a subtle way to say what was on his mind, "That other man was Jeon Jungkook, your ex-boyfriend..." 


"W-What happened?" I asked as I found myself on a bed, in a bright room. "You passed out." Jin said. I passed out? But why? That was when I remembered the last thing Hoseok told me. "H-How... How is this possible?" I whispered to myself. "That explains why you didn't want to name the puppy Kookie..." Kai said in a moment of realization. "Can we continue now that the princess is awake?" the detective's voice was full of sarcasm. "Yes." Namjoon said firmly. "Hoseok gathered all the information we needed. Unfortunately we don't have anything solid on Jeon Jungkook besides the fact that the coroner missed. The body had wounds from two different sets of knives. But that isn't enough to get him charged with anything." Namjoon added. "Nevertheless, we have proof about your father. If Jin and his mother are willing to testify against him, Namjoon will provide the last thing needed to get him a life sentence." Hoseok said thoroughly. "And what is that?" Jin asked. Namjoon reached for his bag and after searching for a couple of seconds, he got a zip lock out. "This." Jin looked at it closer and then he started crying his eyes out. He dropped on his knees in front of his brother's hospital bed and held the zip lock bag with his palms. "H-How... Where did you find this?" he wailed. "It wasn't easy but with the help of Hoseok, we found it. Taemin's ring." he smiled which made him cough again.

"That is all we need to convict him, it has his fingerprints all over it and with backup from you three plus the footage of the home abuse and him hitting Taemin. That gives us motive and proof of hatred at the same time!" The detective exclaimed. "I'll arrange the trial, you guys get ready because this is going to be hard." he added and left the room.

"Whatever happens, I'm here for you now. Sorry I wasn't there all this time Joonie." Jin hugged his brother, being careful not to hurt his already broken body. "It's fine Seokjinie, we finally got him..."

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