New Life

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Tae's POV

"You've got this babe! One more time!" I encouraged her while she screamed in pain. I was holding her hand the whole time. "Push! I can see the head!" doctor Jaehyun ordered Rose and she complied. With a loud scream of immense pain, she pushed with everything she had. The nurse was already holding our first boy, wiping the blood off of him. He was crying and I could feel unintentional love running through my veins for this little guy. "One more time Rose!" doctor Jaehyun said and Rose screamed again. Suddenly, the cry of our second boy echoed throughout the room and you could see the tension vanishing from Rose's neck, leaving behind only cold sweat. Tears of joy streamed down my blushed cheeks. The nurse gave our first son to Rose and picked up the other one to clean him from all the blood. "Hey Taemin." I cooed towards our firstborn. He was calmer in his mother's arms. The nurse handed me the other baby and I brushed his nose softly with the tip of my finger. "Hey Yeonjun." I smiled at my beautiful son. 

Jungkook's POV

"You better get me my money or else..." I growled over the phone. "I'm sorry..." the man apologized over the phone. "I don't want apologies! I want my f*cking money Jimin!" I threatened him before hanging up. I walked past the door and into a small hallway. "Name?" the officer asked me monotonous. "Kim Kookie." I lied, "I'm here to visit my father, Kim SeokBin." the officer nodded and handed me a pen and a form. "Sign here." he demanded. I threw in a fake signature and smiled a fake smile. The officer pressed a button and after a brief sound, the door to my right unlocked. I got in and walked towards the booth. Not long after, I saw my father being brought in at the other side of the acrylic glass. He sat on the stool and picked up the intercom phone. After he made sure that no one was around to listen he finally spoke. "What are you doing here?" he scolded me. "I want to avenge you father... I want to make them pay." I hissed under my breath. "Don't be stupid Jungkook... You are lucky that they didn't caught you alongside me. I know they know..." he paused and I seized the opportunity to talk, "They don't have any concrete evidence against me father. It's all just speculation. They'll never catch me." I said arrogantly. "They have more than you know on you boy. The DA offered me a lesser sentence if I confessed to having an accomplish. They know about you, coming here was stupid. If they find out who you are, you are done for..." he sighed. "I'll never leave you dad. Just tell me what to do." I begged. "Listen boy, I'll give you one last thing to do but I want you to promise me something first." I nodded "Anything!" I breathed "I want you to forget about this place. Don't let them link you to me and all those murders Jungkook." his eyes seemed sad and caring "What do you mean dad?" I asked still not understanding what he wanted from me. "Never visit me again, if you need anything, send Jimin. He's expendable, you are not." I nodded "OK." I simply responded, honoring his wish. "Now listen carefully because I'm only going to say this once."


( 1 year later )

Tae's POV

"Are you nervous?" I asked, seeing Jin sweaty and out of it. "Yeah, kinda..." he responded timidly. "Don't worry Seokjin, you're going to be the best godfather!" Rose exclaimed, lifting some of Jin's worries away. He nodded and we started the ceremony. Jin went above and beyond. He did everything by the book and didn't make a single mistake. He was honored that we named our son after Taemin and he was grateful that he got to baptize them and be their godfather.  The ceremony went without any unexpected bumps. It was a small service with only Rose's family, Namjoon, Jin's mother, Kai and Hoseok. After the ceremony ended we all stepped outside to enjoy some desserts that Jisoo and Jennie made for the occasion. "Hey everyone! Gather up please!" I shouted over the loud noise of the busy roads. "I want to thank everyone for being here today. Not long ago I was lost and alone but thank to some very special people that I love with all my being, I now have great friends, a smart and beautiful wife and two exceptional children. I'm grateful for everything. tha..." the loud sound of a running engine cut me off followed by the image of a motorcycle speeding up, down the road in front of the church. The rider wore black clothes and a protective helmet. He raised his hand, pointing at the church and then. BANG. The sound of a gunshot was heard and everyone took cover. BANG. Again and again until he vanished into a corner. 

Making sure that there was no imminent danger, I spoke up, "Is everyone OK?" I asked, looking around worryingly. I knew Rose and the babies were OK because they were next to me the whole time. That was when I heard a loud screech, followed by loud wailing. "NO! NO! NO! Somebody call an ambulance!" Jin's voice resonated through my head. I ran towards the noise and saw everyone gather up, crying. I ran towards the middle only to see Namjoon, on the floor, shot on the chest. Coughing blood. Jin was standing over him, in shock and in tears, trying to stop the bleeding but failing. "It's OK brother, take care of mom for me please." Those were his last words before he closed his eyes, forever.

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