By Your Side

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Tae's POV

Jin parked out of the hospital and we both rushed inside. Doctor Jungwoo sounded ominous before but he didn't want to talk about it over the phone. He instructed Jin to visit him immediately so we got into his car and drove off the second they finished talking over the phone. We were now climbing up the busy stairway to reach Dr. Jungwoo's office. Stopping at the second floor, we bolted down the bright hall and stopped in front of a door with 'Dr. Jungwoo' written on it with big gold letters. Despite the busy hospital, this specific hall was rather empty. An almost sinister silence prevailed, muffling out the sound of the busy floors below. 

Jin knocked on the door twice, the sound echoing down the desolated corridor. After a moment of silence, a sweet voice made its way to our ears. "Come in." a man said and we opened the door, peaking inside before entering timidly. A warm man greeted us. He was sitting behind a desk, giving us the sweetest smile this world had to offer. "Hello Jungwoo!" Jin exclaimed and shook his hand with the man. 

It was the first time that I was seeing Doctor Jungwoo in person. He had that something about him that could cure every disease just by smiling at you. I felt my heart flutter for the soft man sitting in front of us. "Hey Seokjin! I wish I could say that it's been a while but..." he chuckled and motioned us to sit down. "I will cut right to the chase." he sighed, resting his elbows on the desk in front of him, intertwining his fingers in front of his pouty mouth. "I'm afraid I don't have good news..."

"What's wrong Doc?" I finally spoke, my voice cracking due to the mind-wrecking suspense. Jungwoo looked at me and then back at Seokjin who gave him a affirmative nod. "It's your heart Seokjin, it's failing." he paused for a second, "I'm sorry." he added and gave Jin a look full of sympathy. Somehow his cute features managed to ease some of our pain but even his softness wasn't enough to help us get rid of this calamity. "How long?" Seokjin asked blandly. "I estimate that you have about three months left to live." Seokjin's eyes were empty. He probably didn't know how to feel. His life was never easy and the universe kept on kicking him, beating him down. "Isn't there anything we can do?" I asked in despair. "The best we can do is give him a couple more months but he will have to spend them here, under intense treatment. He also needs to have a heart transplant but finding a compatible heart donor in such a short time is extremely unlikely." he shook his head. "Without a new heart, the best we can do is give him a couple more months and wait for a miracle."

"Thank you Jungwoo but I'll have to refuse..." Jin stood up and started walking away after offering the man a soft smile accompanied with a firm nod. Both me and Jungwoo were taken by surprise by his actions, no one expected Jin to refuse treatment. I ran behind him and stopped him before he exited Jungwoo's office. "What the f*ck Seokjin?" I grabbed his wrist and turned him to face me. Jin didn't expect my reaction which rendered him speechless. "W-What?" he stuttered. "You can't just give up like that Seokjin! You have to fight! We can get through this, together!" my voice started to raise due to my overflowing emotions. Tears streamed down my eyes but Jin's expression was cold and bland. "I won't spend the rest of my days stuck in a hospital, laying on a cold bed waiting for my heart to stop. No! I refuse! I'd rather spend my days with you, doing everything we planned for. Go for a trip, just us." Jin's voice was expressing a mixture of anger and concern  even though his features were cold and apathetic. 

I grabbed his palm with my left hand, intertwining our fingers and caressed his cheek with my right. "I know that you are scared Jin, I'm scared too but we can fight through this,we can fight through anything life throws at us. You are not alone Jin, I will always be right by your side." I gave him a peck on the lips and Jin finally let go. He fell into my arms, wailing his misfortune away, tears streaming down his puffed eyes. Jungwoo helped me get him up and calm him down. 

Jin nodded. "I'm okay." he reassured us giving Jungwoo an unspoken permission to 'talk business'. "I'll try my best to get you up the waiting list but I can't promise anything. For now all you can do is wait and accept treatment." Jungwoo was more serious now but with his charming smile and adorable features still plastered on his face. "I will get a nurse to get you started right away and I'll take personal care in you too." he announced and picked up the line to call a nurse. He ordered a nurse to fix Seokjin a private room so he could have his peace and quiet. "You are in good hands." Jungwoo smiled before standing up. "I know." Jin smiled back and gave Jungwoo a bro hug. "Come, let's get you settled!" Doctor Jungwoo exclaimed with the cutest smile yet before walking out of his office.


Thank you for reading <3

I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was kinda short. As always votes and comments make my heart flutter.

Thank you for your support, I can't believe that we are almost at 2k views and it's all thanks to you <3

Please make sure to eat well and drink plenty of water <3

xx Dean

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