Until Death Do Us Part

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Tae's POV

"Tae..." Jin whispered behind the closed door. "Can I come in?" he asked, I could sense worry in the sound of his voice. It's been exactly one month since my family died in that tragic accident. Since then, I've been living with Jin. He was so kind and loving, he dedicated all of his free time to mend my broken heart once again.

"I'll go take a shower, can we talk after?" I heard Jin's voice echo behind the closed door again but I didn't answer. Ever since I lost them, I lost myself too. I wouldn't eat, I wouldn't speak, I wouldn't sleep. I didn't go to work, I didn't leave my room for anything except using the restroom.

Jin would always brought me food to my room but when he came back to clean, he would always find it untouched. My eyes wondered around the empty cold room and my gaze fell on the plate with food on my bedside table. It was my favorite but I didn't have an appetite...


"Daddy!" my twins shouted in unison while running towards me and jumping into my embrace. I had just gotten back from working a late shift. "Hey guys!" I smiled at them and dropped them on the couch, initiating a tickle fight. "Stop daddy!" Taemin breathed through his laughter. "Never!" I exclaimed, tickling them even harder. The young boys slipped through my tickle prison and ran around the house. I ran behind them finally following them to the kitchen where they hid behind Rose.

"Enough guys, go wash your hands. Dinner is ready!" her warm voice and soft smile brought a smile on my lips. The kids ran to wash their hands at the bathroom faucet and I washed mine at the kitchen sink.

"How was your day baby?" I gave Rose a peck on her lips. "I helped the twins with their homework, I ironed our clothes and then cooked dinner." she sighed in exhaustion. Being a mother sure wasn't an easy task. "Thank you for working hard for us baby." I kissed her again but this time on her forehead. "I missed you Tae, we should take a weekend off." she pouted. "We should." I smiled. I kissed her pouty lips and she smiled sheepishly. "MOOOOM! YEONJUN WASHES HIS HANDS ON TOP OF MIIIIINE!!!" Taemin cried while running towards the kitchen. "You guys..." Rose sighed. "It's OK buddy, you can wash your hands here." I grabbed Taemin from underneath his armpits and raised him up so he would reach the kitchen sink.

Yeonjun came back and we all sat on the table after helping setting it. Rose served the food and I gasped. "Baby!" I whimpered in excitement. "I made your favorite today Tae. I want you to eat well."

End of flashback

Rose's words echoed inside my head. "I want you to eat well." her voice felt like a distant memory. My stomach growled and I snapped out of my daydreaming. I grabbed the plate and downed the food like a famished hound.

"Tae? Are you up?" Jin's said behind the closed door. "Come." I replied with a weak voice. The lock clicked and Jin entered the room with a sympathetic smile. "You finally ate!" he exclaimed, witnessing this miracle before his eyes. I nodded.

He sat on the bed beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I know it's hard Tae. I wish I could say that it gets better but it doesn't. You just learn to live with it. You learn to cherish the memories you had instead of wallowing in hatred forever. Nothing you do can bring them back but you can keep on living, honoring their memory." he hugged me, his body radiating love and care.

"Thank you Jin, it's like you were sent here to glue me back together every time I break. Sorry to be such a pain..." I cried at the thought of being nothing but a burden for him."This is what we do for the people we love." he smiled. "Never forget that Tae."

I lied down on my bed and he did too, spooning me in his embrace, I felt comfort again after all this time. "Hey Jin, can you do me a favor?" I whispered under my sobs. "Anything." he replied full of confidence. "Can you sing for me? This song Rose used to sing for me... I just need to hear it." I cried and felt his hug tighten. "What song?" he asked softly, ready to abide to my wish. "Without you." I said under my sobs. Jin didn't add anything else, he just cleared his throat and sang the song. His voice soft and angelic. The familiar melody made my heart fluttered and my eyes cry even more. I started mourning again but I felt something. I remembered.

But of course how could I ever forget that voice? It was him. It was that man from all those years ago. The man that I heard that night. The man that saved my life with his voice and his genuine feelings. The man that turns out saved me again after that dark night. And again today. Seokjin was truly my guardian angel.

The only problem is that I'm dying and I can't ever tell him. I'll have to fight for my life. Not for me but for Seokjin. I had to stay alive until I can help him for once. That is my only wish before I'm gone.

Thank you for reading.
Please eat well and stay hydrated.
xx Dean

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