Deus ex Machina

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Tae's POV

I woke up on my bed next to Kai. Jin had already left since he had some business to attend to before work. I carefully gotten out of bed, trying not to wake up Kai in the process. I followed my morning routine, got dressed and made a fast breakfast to take on the go. I walked towards the bus stop and waited there for the bus. I took out of my bag the card this man had given me yesterday and started playing with it. Should I call? He was so nice to me and not to mention hot af. The bus engine snapped me out of my dilemma. I got aboard and headed to work.

It was a chill day. We didn't have many costumers so I helped the girls in the kitchen most of the time. When the time came, I got my stuff, said goodbye and left. "Tae wait!" I heard Rose calling me from the counter. "What's up?" I asked. "You see... is it..." she paused to take a deep breath. "You grab a bite sometime?" she closed her eyes, waiting for my rejection. "I would love that." I smiled. "REALLY?!" she seemed surprised. "Yeah!" we should go somewhere after work tomorrow!" I suggested. "It's a date!" she added and I left.

I walked towards the bus stop and sat on the bench. I got the card out of my pocket and stared at it for a while. Finally, I got my phone out and dialed his number. 

( Bold Hoseok, Regular Tae )


"H-Hi, is this Hoseok?"

"Yes, this is he."

"I-I'm... You gave me your number at the club yesterday."

"I've been waiting for you to call me."

"C-Can I... Come over?"

"I'll text you my address."


I hang up and waited for his address to pop on my screen. When my phone finally lit up I checked out his text. He lived on my way home so the same bus would do the job. The ride there was about five minutes. I rang the bell and waited outside his door. A beautiful man, wearing nothing but his red satin robe opened the door. "Come in." Hoseok said and I followed him inside. I had all these feelings built up inside of me. My feelings for Jin, my fondness of Rose and the threesome with Kai and Jin from yesterday I just wanted to blow off some steam and have unconditional fun. I rushed on him and kissed his lips. "I like where this is going." he smirked. "We should go in my room." he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his room. He pushed me on the bed, got naked and climbed on top of me. His lips against mine, I could feel myself letting go.

*after sex*

"That. Was. AMAZING!" I exclaimed. He was extremely good and he did some things with his tongue I didn't know were even possible. "What is bothering you?" he said, looking deep inside my eyes. I sighed. "This is a safe space, you can talk to me." he said and smiled at me softly. "It's a long story..." I said and looked up at the ceiling. "I don't have anywhere to be." he insisted. "Alright. But don't say that I didn't warn you." I said and started narrating everything that happened from the day that Jin took me under his wing until the moment I gotten inside the bus to come to his house.

"Should I, share my opinion?" he asked reluctantly, I nodded. "From what I see, you fear loving Jin because you've been hurt before and with Kai in the middle you can't help but hate yourself for feeling this way. On top of that Rose came out of nowhere and asked you to go on a date and that took you by surprise. I don't know much but I think you should give her a chance. It would have taken a lot of courage to ask you out." he explained. "Maybe this way you can find someone that you care about more and forget about the way you feel about Jin." he added. "I guess you are right..." I said, "I'll go to that date tomorrow and be the best version of me!" I exclaimed. "It's late though, I should go..." I got up to get dressed. "Sure, you can call me anytime you want. Whenever you want someone to have fun with or a devoted ear to listen to you, I'm here." Hoseok said and gave me a last peck on the lips. "Thank you Hoseok. This really helped me clear things out." I put on my shoes and walked towards the front door. Hoseok, still naked, saw me out. "Goodnight Tae!" he smiled. "Goodnight Hoseok." 

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