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Jin's POV

A group of my favorite people had surrounded me, singing the happy birthday song. A birthday cake, made especially for me by Jisoo and Jennie, sitting on the table in front of me, waiting to be devoured. The sound of the song felt like a mumbled buzzing for my ears. My eyes stared at the lit candles on the cake. Fifty. It's funny how time goes by. I felt a tear escape the prison I so desperately created. A sudden round of applause snapped me out for my private pity party .

"MAKE A WISH!!" Taehyung and Kai shouted in unison. I smiled and pretended to think of a wish before I blew out the candles. But what did I really want? Did I need something bad enough to wish upon a silly make belief? Another tear escaped and I wiped it away swiftly.

"Uncle? Why are you crying?" San asked me with his eyes filled with worry. "Tears of joy." I lied with a convincing smile. Kai's adoptive son seemed to believe me and walked away to enjoy his piece of cake.

I wanted kids but Tae and I couldn't adopt for some stupid reasons. But despite that, we were deep in love. That's all I needed right now but I could sense that something was bothering him. I could feel sometimes that he had something to confess but he always swallowed it away. Was he not happy anymore? Did he regret spending his life with me? Would I ever know what was on his mind?

I watched him smile and have fun, dancing with Kai and Hoseok in the middle of the living room. It's been so long since I've seen him dance. A smile forced its way onto my lips.

Our eyes met and he winked at me, mouthing I love you before continued dancing. I felt a sudden pain on my chest. A grimace of discomfort taking over my features while my hand pressed against my thorax. As suddenly as it appeared, the pain faded away.

I knew that something was wrong but all I could do was wait for my doctor to call and tell me what he found out. Is it something serious or just a symptom of old age?


Tae's POV

"Go get some rest, I'll clean up and then join you for your birthday present." I winked at him and bit my lips while cleaning up the table. "Thanks Tae." he gave me a peck on the lips and laid on the couch with his feet hanging off the edge. "Did you have fun baby?" I asked with a deep but slightly kitty-ish voice. "I had fun but maybe next year we can just spend the day together. What do you say?" he smiled before taking off his slippers and resting his feet on the couch properly.

"Maybe we should make it a weekend thing. Then we can spend two days together somewhere fun." I winked and walked towards the kitchen to place the dishes in the dishwasher. "So, what did you wish for?" I raised my voice so Jin would hear me from the other room. I waited but got no answer. He must have fallen asleep I thought. I finished loading the dishwasher and went back to the living room.

I saw Jin seated on the couch in his thinking position. "What's wrong baby?" I asked and sat next to him. He looked me in the eyes and smiled a bittersweet smile. "I think there is something wrong with my heart Tae. It might be nothing but... " he confessed. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you but I don't know how long will that be." he added with a sigh.

I wanted to tell him about my condition. But every time I tried something happened and made it impossible for me to confess but it was finally the perfect time."Jin, I-I have something to confess." I stuttered. He looked at me worried, his eyes locked against mine, telling me that he was there for me, that it was OK, that he loved me and we would go through it together. I opened my mouth to speak but Jin's ringtone echoed and cut me off.

He picked up his phone and looked at the caller's I.D." It's my doctor." his eyes widened and a sudden cold breeze passed through the room. He slid his finger across the screen and placed the phone next to his ear.

"Hello Jungwoo."

"Tell me."

"Are you sure?"

"Thank you."

He hang up and awkward silence filled the room. The only thing I could hear was Jin's almost heavy breathing and my heart beating its way out of my chest.

"What happened Seokjin, what did he say?!"


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I can't believe that we are about to surpass 2k views.

I never thought that this book would receive your love and affection.

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Please take care of yourselves and drink lots of water. 💜💜

xx Dean

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