Moving On

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Tae's POV

Jin opened his underwear drawer and I was overwhelmed by pink. Almost everything was pink or black and white. He knelt in front of it and looked around for a bit before looking back at me. "Take your pick!" he exclaimed. "Ah, I don't know Jin..." I sighed, "Everything looks pretty much the same." I looked around for a while before spotting a white and pink polka dot pair of boxer briefs. I pointed towards it and smiled "This is perfect." Jin giggled and gave me the pair I asked for. Without wasting any time, I stood up, got naked and put them on. After I was done, I saw Jin staring at me with his eyes wide open. "Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm just used to being comfortable around people." I explained. "N-Nah it's fine, I just need some time to get used to it cause I'm not used to living with people..." He shook his head intensely to get his mind together  before he spoke. "I'll go take a shower, if Kai comes before I finish, please open the door." I nodded and Jin took off to get a shower.

I walked over to my room and I laid on the bed. I covered my face by crossing my arms over it and I let out a deep breath. Why am I feeling this way? I haven't felt affection for a long time and it feels weird. Get yourself together Taehyung! He is with Kai and he seems happy. You can't ruin that! I wanted to get those thoughts out of my head so as soon as I heard the water running from the bathroom, I got up and run towards Jin's room again. I know that it's rude to snoop but it's either that or make Jin mine and the latter would be hurtful for Kai and he has been good to me... I went over his closet and his drawers. To my surprise, on the last drawer I found something juicy. "Now we're talking!" I smirked. I picked them up one by one to examine them. He had  sex toys, a glass dildo, a fox-tail butt plug and double-edged rubber dildo. Underneath I found two boxes of condom and a douche. Well instead of getting my mind off of Jin, now I couldn't stop picturing him naked, using those things... Luckily, the doorbell rang and after putting everything back just the way I had found them, I ran downstairs to open the door.

 I looked through the peephole and I saw Kai waiting outside. I opened the door and welcomed him in. He was holding three pizza boxes and I instantly started drooling. The smell was orgasmic. He placed the boxes on the coffee table and sat on the couch. He looked at me from head to toe and then with a second of hesitation he spoke, "Are those... Jin's trunks?" I blushed slightly. "Yeah he gave them to me cause I don't ... have mine here." I said while looking away. "Oh ! We should take you shopping someday then!" He gave me a warm smile "Yeah, maybe..." I smiled back, trying to hide the fact that I don't have any money for food, let alone underwear. "So, where is Jin?" he asked softly. "He is taking a shower, meanwhile you can put on your pajamas!" I exclaimed. "You're right!" Kai stood up and took off all of his clothes except his underwear. He was wearing red briefs and he was well build and muscular but not too much. He was what you would call an eye candy. "I sleep naked so I guess my pajamas are my underwear." he chuckled "Yeah, I can relate." I said while pointing out at the pair of underwear I was wearing. "Hey babe!" Jin said while walking down the stairs. He was wearing a white pair of boxer briefs which left little to the imagination. He came over and gave Kai a kiss on the lips. "Hey cutie!" Kai said before slapping Jin's butt. "Babe!" Jin exclaimed and Kai laughed. "I'm sure Tae here doesn't mind! He is a cool guy. Right Tae?" He said and looked at me. I nodded and sat down on the armchair. Kai was already sitting on the couch and he pulled Jin next to him. "The DVD club was closed, can we watch something from Netflix?" Kai said. "Sure, let see what's on." Jin grabbed the remote control and turned on his large expensive smart TV. He opened Netflix and we searched for a movie. After half an hour of searching we found nothing that satisfied our taste. And on top of that we had all finished our box of pizza. "Let's do something else, I don't see us finding a good horror movie anytime soon..." Jin said disappointed. "Tae, what do you like doing in your free time?" Kai asked me. "I love dancing!" Kai jumped out of the couch. "No way dude! I love dancing too!" he looked at Jin with puppy eyes. "Come on baby! Let's dance!!" he tried to charm the older man to do his bidding but without any effect. "I'm not good at dancing baby... you know that..." Kai sighed at Jin's response. "I know something else we can do though!" Jin said with enthusiasm. "I heard the other day Taehyung singing in the shower" Jin said. "Was he any good?" Kai asked playfully. "Let's do Karaoke and you can find out yourself." Jin said before putting on a Karaoke game on the TV. "So, what do you say Tae? You in?" Kai asked me. "As long as we dance afterwards." I winked at Kai just to tease Jin. "OK, OK, we can dance afterwards..." Jin surrendered.

Jin and Kai sang as a duet the song Awake. They were amazing, hitting every note. I was kind of amazed by them. It was now my time to choose a song. After scrolling down for a while, I chose Someone Like You by Adele. I sang with all of my heart. After the song ended, I looked back and I saw both of them with their mouths opened. "Was it that bad?"I asked disappointed. To my surprise they started clapping and whistling at me which made me blush. After a few more songs, we decided that it was time to dance so that's what we did for the next half hour. Exhausted now, we laid back on the couch all three of us and laughed. "That was fun." Jin said. "I told you that it would be!" Kai replied and kissed Jin on the nose. "Kai..." Kai looked at me, waiting for me to say something. "I really like you, you seem like a cool guy and I would love for us to be friends." Kai chuckled and punched me softly on the shoulder. "I like you too Tae! Yeah! Let's be great friends!" he raised his hand for a high-five but I didn't budge. "In order to be friends, I need to be honest with you..." Jin looked at me with compassion in his eyes. "Are you sure you're ready Tae?" Jin asked and I nodded "W-What is happening here guys?" Kai said in a loss. I sighed heavily "We've met before. You used to give me money and food when I was homeless..." I looked away and closed my eyes, trying to hide the shame of my past. Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me.  I opened my eyes and I saw Kai, with a tear running down his eye, giving me a warm hug. "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, there is no need to be ashamed." He gave me a kiss on the cheek before sniffling his nose. He wiped away the tear and he sat beside Jin who was now smiling at the moving moment. "Thank you Kai... And thank you Jin for giving me a second chance in life..." I paused. "I feel like I should tell you something even if I don't really have a say in this matter." I knelt in front of Jin and grabbed his hands. "That candle... It has to go... I know that you think that this is the only thing you have left of Taemin but that is not true. The only purpose of this candle is to remind you of the past but only the hurtful part of it. What you've had with Taemin will always be with you. Not attached to a material thing but in here" I said while touching his chest with my palm, pointing out his heart. "You have to let it go if you want to be happy again. Taemin will always be with you, in your memories and in your heart. That won't change." Jin held himself from crying with every bit of strength he had. "You're right." He said. "I need to let go of the past and of the sadness." He said while getting up and walking towards the kitchen. He opened the drawer and got out the broken candle. Kai walked over and stood next to him. "Are you sure baby?" he asked. 

"If I don't do this now, I never will. It's time to say goodbye..." Jin clenched his first, placing the candle near his heart. "Goodbye, Taemin." he said before throwing the candle away. Kai hugged Jin for a while. After breaking the hug, Jin walked towards me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you Tae." He whispered to my ear. "Well I had a great time but it's late, we should go to bed." Kai said. "Yes!" Jin exclaimed while looking back at Kai. "But we won't be sleeping anytime soon." He winked at Kai, grabbed his hand and dragged him upstairs to his bedroom. "If you need anything, just call me!" I said playfully but they were already long gone.

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