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Rose's POV

"Sorry I can't be there babe. I promise I'll make it up to you." Taehyung cooed over the phone. "I understand, you have to do this. See you back home babe, good luck." I sent him a kiss through the phone. "I love you Rose." his voice was mellow and sweet. "Love you too."

"Park Roseanne?" the doctor's voice echoed behind the closed door. I got up and walked inside his office. "Hey Rose." he welcomed me inside with a warm smile. "Good morning Dr. Jaehyun!" I greeted the handsome doctor back. "Are you ready to find out the gender?" he asked while prepping his tools. "I'm nervous but excited!" I smiled while climbing on the operation table. Jaehyun smiled and applied some gel on my stomach and with a device he started feeling my belly. "Interesting..." he mumbled "How did we miss this..." he whispered to himself. His words got me worried enough to ask what's wrong "Is everything OK doctor?" he looked at me, sensing a small panic attack approaching. "More than OK! You're having twins!" doctor Jaehyun exclaimed with a bright smile that exposed his cute dimples. "And from what I see they're both boys. Congratulations!" he started wiping off the gel from my stomach with a dry towel. I was speechless, I never expected twins. I was already nervous about raising one kid, let alone two. "You seem worried. Children are a blessing and you were provided with two of them. You should consider yourself lucky Rose." Jaehyun said firmly but softly at the same time. His words actually gave me a small amount of confidence. "I guess you're right... This is great!" I exclaimed and he smiled, "That's the spirit! So have you figured out a name yet?" he asked while settling in his chair to fill some paperwork for my visit. "Yes, we have though one but now I guess we have to think of another..." I chuckled and Jaehyun followed my lead. He put on some signatures and handed me the papers. "You're ready to go! The next time we'll see each other will be while you're in labor so take care until then. If you need anything you have my number." he gave me a warm smile. I got up, thanked him and left. The moment I left the medical center, I texted Taehyung the picture of the ultrasound and drove back home.

Tae's POV

"Love you too. " she told me and hang up. I was already outside of Jin's house. Hoseok's words were flying around in my head, tormenting me every second. Why couldn't things be good just once? Why does something bad have to happen every time things get better? I guess Murphy was right... If something can go wrong, it will.

I tried to channel enough courage to confront Jin. I'm sure that he is as clueless as I was but he deserves to know. I walked towards his door and rang the bell. A smiling figure opened immediately. I told him that I was coming by but he didn't know the reason. His smile would fade away soon and sorrow will take over his features.

He invited me in and offered me to seat at his couch but I refused. "I won't stay long..." he could see that something was troubling me. His smile already started to vanish. "What's wrong Tae? Did something happen to the baby?" he asked but I shook my head. "Rose is for an ultrasound appointment right now. I was supposed to be there too but this is more important." I looked at the floor and clenched my fists. "Tae what happened? You're scaring me." he placed his palm on my shoulder and smiled. "At the wedding Hoseok told me something he found out and I... You need to know too Seokjin..." he knew that when I called him Seokjin things were serious. He stepped back and waited for me to reveal what Hoseok had told me. "It's about your dad..."

"No!" he cut me off. "I don't want to hear a thing about him! He's dead for me Tae." Jin snapped. I knew that he would react this way but he had to know. I had already told Namjoon and  his mother. They were in shock after they heard the news, ready to call Jin but I begged them not to. I wanted to be the one to tell him." Jin, I love you and I always will. I know how you feel about him but this is something that you need to know." I explained in a sweet comforting voice. "No, I refuse to let him ruin my life once again. He is in prison and he can't hurt us anymore!" Jin growled with sad eyes. "No..." he sat at the couch. "Jin you have..." the sound of my phone cut me off. I checked the message that I had just receive from Rose and tears ran down my eyes. "What happened?" he asked at my sudden reaction. "We're having twins..." I screeched and hugged Jin. The good news lifted a weight off of me. "Congratulations!" he exclaimed while breaking the hug. After I had taken in the good news, I continued.

"Jin you have to know..." but he cut me off again "NO!" he shouted. "LISTEN TO ME SEOKJIN. SHUT UP AND HEAR WHAT I HAVE TO SAY!" I barked towards the older man. He stepped back scared at my reaction. He gulped and nodded. "Your father cheated on your mother lots of times." I started explaining "That's not news Taehyung..." he cut me off. "Just let me finish Jin..." he nodded "You have a brother." the sudden turn of events took Seokjin by surprise. A small grin appeared on his lower lip. "No, don't smile, I'm not done yet..." I said firmly and his grin vanished in a heartbeat "Hoseok found out who he is." I paused to gather up all of my power to tell him the truth. "Tell me Taehyung!" he shouted in anticipation. "It's Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook is your half brother."


Oof I bet you didn't see that coming ^_^
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