New Problems

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Tae's POV

"Blackpink is in your area! How can I help you?" It was almost five p.m, I answered my last call for the day. Rose had called in sick today so I had to cover her work as well. It was a busy day so I was exhausted. When the time came, I approached Jennie and poked her softly in the back. "Do you need anything else?" I asked. Jennie turned around with a smile. "No, good job today Tae. Go home, get some rest." she replied. "Thanks Jennie, I hope Rose gets better soon." I bowed and walked away after saying goodbye. It has been almost four weeks since I've had this job and it was great. I had a lot of fun and I've made new friends. I got the bus home. After a half hour ride, I reached my stop and I walked up the small hill to reach Jin's house. Out of nowhere, I saw Kai's car driving off. He seemed upset, he didn't even stop to say hi. I was worried that something might had happened. I ran as fast as I could, barged into the house with the keys that Seokjin made for me and after throwing my stuff on the couch, I searched for Jin. As I was running towards his room, I heard sobbing. I stood outside and knocked the door once. "Jin?" I asked but I only received more sobs as an answer. I opened the door and got inside his room. He was sitting on his bed, with his face tucked inside his knees, crying. I sat besides him and hugged him. "Did you guys had a fight?" I asked. He looked at me and for the first time, I saw his face, red and puffy from crying his eyes out. I noticed some dried blood under his nose. "Did he hit you?!" I asked angry and ready to kick some ass. "N-No... H-He would never..." he whisper, trying to get a hold of himself. "I broke up with him..." That was when I saw V sneaking out from under the bed and jumping on Jin's lap. He started petting the small dog softly. "I couldn't do that to him... I couldn't make him suffer all over again because of me and my drama..." he said, almost lost in his own thoughts. "What happened Jin, you're scaring me!" I tried to get him to tell me so I could do something to ease his pain. "It's Namjoon..." he said almost inaudible. "Your brother? What happened?" I asked afraid of what would follow. "My dad, he got drunk and beat the life out of him... He is in a coma Tae... He is in a pretty bad condition..." and after saying that, he burst into tears again but this time in my lap. I caressed the back of his head in an attempt to comfort him but the truth was that I was speechless. I tried to buy some time so I would find the right words to tell him. "What happened to your nose?" I asked. "I left from work after my mother called me. I went to the hospital to see Namjoon but just the sight of him made me nauseous. He was almost unrecognizable. His face was swollen and there was blood and gauze everywhere." He paused and sat back up. "I got so mad so I decided to pay a visit to my excuse of a father. He was under arrest at the local police department under charges of assault and domestic abuse. I was so mad at him. But unfortunately I got too close and he headbutted my nose. The next thing I know, officers pulled me out of the interrogation room and provided me with a first aid kit to clean up the blood."

"I'm so sorry Jin..." I said, looking into his eyes. Suddenly he got a bit closer. I was still in love with him so I froze in place. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. His tongue tried to penetrate my mouth and I let it happen, I've been waiting for this for so long and I couldn't think of anything else right now. We started making out and Jin got on top of me. He removed his shirt and then mine. The moment that I was slowly started to realize what was happening, we were both with just our underwear on. But wait, there is something wrong here. What is that smell? And that taste? It's been so long since I've tasted that. "Jin?!" I shouted and pushed him off of me. "Am I that hideous?" He asked. "You don't understand... I've been wanting this since day one but you are drunk Jin, I can smell it on you. And there is Kai and Rose , I can't do that to them." I explained. "I understand... I'm sorry, I'm not thinking straight." he started crying again. "Don't worry, I'm here for you." I hugged him. "You have to talk with Kai though." I said. "I'll talk to him tomorrow, I'll tell him that I want to been just friends, with benefits." he whispered. "I'm exhausted." He said and laid on his back. I got up to let him sleep but he grabbed my hand. "Can you stay with me?" he asked. "Sure." I answered with a smile. "Big spoon or small?" he asked. "Big" I replied. I laid behind him and we spooned until with both fell asleep.

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