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Tae's POV

I woke up next to a naked Xiumin, who was casually playing games on his phone. "What time is it?" I asked in my slumber. "Almost half past eight." he said, not taking his eyes away from the screen. The minute I heard him say the time, I lost my shit. I got up and started running up and down the room. Xiumin finally took his eyes away from the screen and got worried. "Is everything OK?" he asked. "NO! I HAVE TO BE AT WORK IN LESS THAN HALF AN HOUR!" I screamed, having nothing to wear or to do. Eventually, I just gave up and laid on the bed with my arms crossing over my head. "I just have to accept the fact that nothing will work out for me." I said and started mourning my future. "Not on my watch!" Xiumin exclaimed as he got up and ran out of the room. Not long after, he came in with a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich and some fresh clothes. "I've made you something to eat on the go. I also found these on the couch downstairs. I suppose Jin left them for you." I grabbed the clothes and started getting dressed as fast as I could. Even though we've gone shopping, I didn't get anything work appropriate. Thank god Jin thought of me before he left for work. Xiumin who was now dressed as well, fixed my hair a bit and helped me take care of the last details. "Come, Kai is sleeping so I'll drive you there." he said. "Really? Oh my god thank you so much! You are a life saver!" I exclaimed, hugging him before running to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

After I was done, I met Xiumin downstairs and followed him to Kai's car. The drive was pleasant and we talked without it being awkward. "Here we are." He said after stopping in front of the bakery. The time was just five minutes to nine. I felt relief that I've made it in time. I bend in and kissed Xiumin on the lips. "Thank you for everything Xiumin. Last night was amazing, maybe we should make this a thing." I said. Xiumin smiled and looked me in the eyes with affection. "It was great Tae but I don't think that we can make something more out of it. I like you but I prefer being your friend. For now at least." He smiled. "Now go! You're gonna be late!" he said with a playful tone and a bright smile. I nodded and got out of the car. Before I closed the door I thanked him again and went inside.

I put on my brightest smile and walked through the front door. "Hello!" I said as I approached Rose who was talking with another girl behind the counter. "Good morning Tae!" Rose said as both of them looked towards me. "Tae, this is my sister, Jennie!" I bowed to the other girl, "Nice to meet you Jennie." I said. "You too but... why do I feel like I've seen you before?" Jennie asked. My face blushed in a split second and I tried to hide away my shame and embarrassment. "Jennie! I told you not to be so... direct all the time!" Rose said. He is the boy who used to live on the street next to our store. Don't you remember giving him food?" Rose whispered a little too loudly to her sister which made me even more embarrassed. Suddenly another girl approached us and introduced herself to me. "And there is nothing wrong with that! Hello! My name is Jisoo and I don't want you to feel awkward about your past. Here we are a family and now you are part of it!" she stated, while glaring to Jennie for being a bit inconsiderate. "Yes of course! You are part of this family too now!" Rose said and smiled from ear to ear. All three of them were beautiful but Rose really caught my eye. Her voice was just so soothing. "I'm the cashier, Jennie is in charge of baking and Jisoo is in charge of the beverages such as coffee, tea etc." Rose said. "Really nice to meet you! Thank you for giving me this opportunity! I'll work hard to make it worth your while." I paused. "If you don't mind me asking, which one is the oldest?" I asked not being sure if it's a rude question or not. "We are actually triplets!" Jisoo said and they all simultaneously smiled, which kinda creeped me out. "So, what should I do?" I asked. Jennie handed me a tray with a cupcake and a macha tea on it. "Take this to table four." She said and I complied.

The rest of the day went pretty much the same. I served costumers and cleaned up tables. The time was almost 5 and I asked Rose for information about near bus stops. After informing me, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "How was your first day Tae?" I tuned around and saw Jin. "What are you doing here?!" I asked. "I'm here to pick you up of course!" he said earnestly. He was making it REAL HARD NOT TO CRUSH ON HIM. "I'm not done yet though." I said but Rose spoke up. "It's OK, I can finish up here. You can go, handsome." I nodded and left after saying goodbye to everyone. 

After getting into the car, Jin looked at me and smiled wittily without saying anything. "What?!" I asked kinda of annoyed. "You can go, HANDSOME." He said, mimicking Rose's voice as best as he could. "Stop it!!" I said, blushing in bright red color. Jin burst into laughter, nearly crying out of joy. "Stob it!" He made fun of me once again. "Let's just go home..." I sighed and crossed my arms.

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