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So it's Taehyung's birthday today ( or at least it was like a couple of hours ago). Before I start I want to wish the best to our 3D little angel. I hope he is always happy, healthy and loved.

Tae's POV

"Tae! Wake up!" I heard a distant voice through my slumber, calling my name.  I opened my eyes and I saw Jin standing next to me with a smile on his face. "W-What time is it?" I asked with a hoarse voice while rubbing my eyes with my knuckles. "It's 1 P.M.! Get up sleepyhead!" Jin said loudly while pulling away the covers, revealing my naked body. I've gotten used to him and Kai seeing me naked since I sleep like that and usually they are the one waking me up but my exposed morning wood was certainly making things a little bit awkward this time. I covered it up as soon as I realized it was there. "Don't worry about that Tae, it's natural, it means that your penis is functioning properly!" Jin preached with his finger pointing up as if he was in his classroom. "I sat on the side of the bed with just on feet hanging over the edge and Jin sat beside me.  "I though you were supposed to teach music, not sex ed!" I teased him and he punched my shoulder softly. "Get dressed, I'm taking you to the bakery!" he said and walked towards the door while I was still sitting there like a statue. "So are you coming?" He asked. He was so beautiful, standing there with his perfect face and seductive eyes. I couldn't help myself anymore, I wanted him all for me and I wanted him now! I got up, ran towards him and locked my lips against his. My naked body wrapped all over him while I was feeling his juicy lips upon mine. I closed my eyes to enjoy every single moment of it. When I opened them again, I was sitting back at the edge of the bed. "Tae? Are you coming or what?" He asked and I nodded. He went downstairs as I started getting ready. I wanted to indulge in my sinful thoughts but I couldn't do that to Kai, especially since he's been so nice to me. I had to control myself... I slapped me in the face to get rid of those nasty thoughts of mine and I headed downstairs.

The drive there was quite, we listened to some music and hummed to some songs but we didn't speak much. Suddenly the car stopped. "We're here!" Jin said and took off his seat belt.  I looked around and I recognized these streets. This is where Jin picked me up then, where I've been trying to survive for so long. "Is there something wrong?" Jin asked, noticing my weird attitude. "It's just that... these streets bring back so much memories that I'd rather forget..." I said nervously. Jin placed his hand on my thigh and smiled at me. "Well don't! You have to remember all of it because the time you spend here in these streets, surviving each day with nothing to hold on to, this is what made you who you are today. It made you strong and you can't forget that!" his speech was motivating. I nodded and unbuckled my seat belt. We got out of the car and walked towards the bakery. On my way in, I noticed a piece of paper on the door before we entered the shop. Jin got in first and I followed. A cute young lady greeted us with her, surprisingly not annoying but cute, nasally voice. Her voice was soft like an angel's and her face was beautiful and cute at the same time. "Hello Jin! It's been a while!" she said and smiled towards Jin. "Good evening Rose! How are you!" Jin said back to her. So her name was Rose. How fitting for a girl like that. She was just as pretty as the red blossom. Her eyes diverted to me. "And who's your friend?" she asked. I walked a little bit closer and bowed. "My name is Taehyung, it's nice to meet you!" I said awkwardly. "How can I help you?" she said after bowing back to me. "It's Tae's birthday today so we would like one of those delicious birthday cakes you make!" Jin exclaimed. "Of course!" Rose said and pointed towards every cake she had available on display. "I want this one." I said, pointing to a mint chocolate chip cake. "Excellent choice!" Rose exclaimed before picking up the cake and putting it into a black box with a pink bow on top. "On my way in, I saw the help wanted sign on the door." I said. "What is it about?" I asked while nervously touching my earlobe. "The shop has been getting lots of costumer lately and I can't serve them all by myself. Giving that this is also a coffee shop all morning where people can eat and drink their coffee, I can't manage it all by myself so I want someone to help me serve and maybe clean up afterwards." Rose explained. "Great!" I yelled more than I should. "Can I please please please get the job? I really need this!" I practically begged the young woman. "I don't see why not! You're cute so that should satisfy our costumers!" She said and winked at me. "Are you sure that you're ready for this Tae?" Jin asked worried but I gave him a reassuring look. "Great then! It's a Monday to Friday job, nine to five." Rose gave me some papers to fill. "Thank you so much, you won't regret this!" I finished filling the papers and handed them back to her. "How much is the cake?" Jin asked. "Employees don't pay for the goods so since he's working here now, it's free!" she smiled. "Well, I could get used to that!" Jin said jokingly and with that we took our leave. 

On the way back, we picked up Kai from his father's butchery and to our surprise, his brother joined us as well. "I hope you don't mind" Kai said but I really didn't since he was hot, just like his brother but in a cute way. When we got home, Jin prepared the cake and everyone sang to me the birthday song. "You have to make a wish!" Xiumin exclaimed. I wished for Jin and Kai to be healthy for a long time because they made my life bearable again. We ate cake, danced like crazy and did Karaoke. When we finally finished doing all these fun stuff, we all sat down on the couch, exhausted. That was when everything got wild. "I have an idea! Let's play truth or dare!" Xiumin said. "I start! Truth!" Kai said. "OK, Is it true that you're jealous of me?" Xiumin said, teasing his brother. "Hell yeah!" Kai exclaimed. Xiumin was surprised to hear that so he waited for an explanation. "It's just that I think dad likes you more because I'll never be able to give him grandchildren... At least your bi so he thinks that you can give him that... I wished that he didn't feel  that way but ... he does..." Kai said.  Xiumin gave him a loving hug before moving on. "Jin, truth or dare?" Kai asked. After thinking it a bit, "Dare!" Jin exclaimed confidently. With an evil smirk on his face Kai said, "I dare you to strip naked, run outside the house and make a snow angel!". "Really? I'm going to get frostbites in all kinds of places!" but while complaining, Jin got up, got undressed and did what he was asked to do. Everyone was applauding him and laughing at him at the same time. "OK, my turn! Taehyung, Truth or Dare?" Jin asked me. "Truth" I said softly. "How long has it been since the last time you had sex?" Xiumin and Kai simultaneously looked at each other and started making noises that implied that Jin's question was savage af. "Too long to remember really... Like six years or so!" I said, not being embarrassed by it. All three of their jaws dropped. "If you don't mind me asking, are you straight or..." Xiumin asked. "I'm bi." I answered firmly. "OK then we need to do something about that. Come, I'll give you the best birthday present you could ask for right now." Xiumin winked at me, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me towards the stairs. I thought that it wouldn't hurt, it has been so long since I've been with someone like that and to be honest, I had missed it so much. Besides, this would take my mind off of Jin. "I think that's a good idea. We should follow your example." Kai said sneakily. We exchanged goodnights and I took Xiumin up to my room. 

As soon as I saw him naked, I knew that this would be the best birthday gift.

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