A Little Bit of Homoerotic Feelings Mixed with Some Hard Liqour.

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There are many days in life where people do stupid things.

This is just human nature.

It's inevitable.

However, when someone does something idiotic while under the influence, it gets a little blurrier.

Sometimes it's going some where you know you shouldn't go to. Sometimes it's drinking more than you should.

Sometimes it's texting (or calling) your ex and crying to them on the phone that you want to be back together.

Then proceeding to get even more wasted than before.

Then, the person who your with might have a little bit (okay, maybe more than a little bit) of a temper and decide to get blasted so he doesn't have to listen to you whine anymore.

Then it's all a massive fucking blur.

A huge burn through the film of your memory.

Until the next morning.

When you wake up in bed with said hot-tempered best friend.

Or, when it's a little bit more complicated because you can't exactly find your underwear either...

And it isn't the first time this has happened...

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