Bump and Grind

996 30 18

Uhh it's gonna get hot. So like, soft-core warning? Slight nsfw?

Stan got dressed and drove over to Kyle's house. He knocked on the door and Ike opened it looking pissed.

"Hey Stan."

"Hi," Stan replies then took off his shoes and walked past him to go upstairs to Kyle's room.

He knocked quietly before opening the door. Kyle was there on his bed sleeping peacefully. Stan smiled and closed the door behind him. Then he noticed Kyle was wearing on of his shirts again and felt his blush creep up his neck.

Stan sat on the edge of Kyle's bed and leaned over him, shaking him slightly to try to wake him up. Kyle only turned over onto his back in his sleep and sighed. "Kyle?"

Stan smiled lovingly down at Kyle. There relationship was... weird.

Stan leaned down and began kissing Kyle neck. Kyle whimpered a little, his hands instantly going to Stan's shoulders.

"Kyle," Stan pulls away slightly, his breath making Kyle shiver, "C'mon..."

Kyle opened his eyes and gripped onto Stan's shoulders tightly, pulling him closer. Kyle wrapped his legs around Stan's waist and whimpered quietly, biting his lip.

Stan's hand slid up Kyle's (Stan's technically) shirt to rest on his sides. "Stan..." Kyle breathes out, "What are you doing here?"

Stan bites down on Kyle's collarbones, making Kyle's breath hitch, before licking over the bite mark, which was already bruising over his pale, sensitive skin.

"Why'd you leave?" Stan asked pulling away to just be over Kyle. Kyle shoves him over before Kyle sat on his lap, helping Stan remove his jacket.

"You know why," Kyle answered, as Stan rubbed his thighs.

Stan nods, as Kyle leans down to kiss him softly and quickly, "Sorry, I forgot your mom still checks on you."

Kyle grinds down sharply, making Stan groan, "Shut up. Everyone's still home. We shouldn't be doing this now," Kyle says, but he doesn't move away and starts to slowly rock back and forth on Stan's lap.

"Is that a 'no' or-" Kyle grinds sharply, moving his hands to slide over Stan's stomach and chest over his shirt.

"We shouldn't," Kyle interrupts, "... but we might anyway..." Kyle whispers leaning down, but stopping as Stan leans up to kiss him so he's just barely too far away.

"I'm all for it, if that's what you're implying," Stan says sliding his hands to pull Kyle's shirt up, and Kyle raises his arms as Stan remove his shirt. Then Stan follows suit with Kyle's help, showing off his muscled torso.

They continue to make out and grind against each other. Kyle's briefs are removed and Stan knocks Kyle's hat off to play with and pull Kyle's hair as Kyle rubs his hands over Stan's chest and abs.

Kyle reaches down and unbuttons Stan's jeans. Then Stan flips them over and pushes down his pants as Kyle wraps his legs around his waist to arch up against him.

"Fuck..." Stan whispers and he kisses Kyle's neck again.

"Stan," Kyle moans from behind his hand trying to be quiet, "Please, fu-"

"Bubbie," Sheila knocks on the door loudly, "Are you awake?"

"Yeah," Stan answers.

Sheila pauses, "You didn't tell me Stan was staying the night here. Are you two ready for breakfast?"

Stan wiggles his eyebrows at Kyle, before whispering "I've got something that'll fill you up-"

"Yeah, mom!" Kyle shouts his face burning red, "We'll be down in a minute!"

"Okay," Sheila replies walking away.

Stan continues grinding against Kyle's ass as she leaves and Kyle bites down on his shoulder. Stan laughs when he does so, "What?"

"There's no way we're continuing-" Kyle moans but Stan smothers the noise by kissing him, "-after that. We need to go downstairs- Ah!"

Kyle's head rolls back as he whimpers, digging his nails into Stan's shoulders. Stan rubs up and down Kyle's sides as he grinds against him.

"Stan-" Kyle moans again, unmuted, "We seriously can't- fuCK- now-" Kyle breathes heavily as Stan bites his earlobe, "Okay, I'm still stretched from last night, if we're quick," Kyle pushes Stan back into his back, "then we can do it."

Stan smiles dopily at Kyle, as Kyle readjusts on his lap. "Are you-"

"KYLE!" Followed by loud knocking on the other side, "Hurry up!" Ike shouts, "We're waiting on you!"

Kyle sighs and rolls off of Stan and gets up. He pulls Stan's shirt (the one he came here in) on and grabs a pair of shorts.

Stan whistles as Kyle pulls them on, and Kyle rolls his eyes, "Get dressed."

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