You Know it's Not a Secret?

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Tweek tapped his fingers nervously on the counter. He really didn't know what to do with this new information about Stan and Kyle, but geez-


"Tweek," Karen asks concernedly from his left. Tweek jerks to look over at her, his hands instantly tangling in his hair, pulling slightly. Karen gives him a sympathetic smile, that is tinged with sadness, "Is something on your mind?"

"N-N-No er," Tweek looks away, mainly to cover his lie. There was no way he could look Karen, someone so sweet and nice, dead in the eye and lie. He just couldn't will himself to do it. He couldn't.

"Tweek," Karen says leaning on the counter next to him. Tweek decides to fiddle with his now suddenly interesting apron. "Are you su-"

"Stan and Kyle are dating!"


"Stan- and uh..." Tweek stops short in his sentence to take a deep breathe, then lowering his voice, "Stan and Kyle are d-dating."

Karen nods slowly before slowly giggling. "I thought that's what you said-" she wipes slightly at her eyes, laughing. Karen stops laughing when she realizes that he isn't laughing with her. "You're serious. Oh."

"Of course I'm serious!" Tweek nearly shrieks, drawing the eyes of a few of the patrons around them, but only for a moment. Tweek pulls his legs onto the stool with him. "I saw t-them."

Karen nods slowly, "Uh huh? What were they doing...?"

Tweek looks around before blushing, "K-Kissing. Acting l-like a couple-"

"Tweek, dear, that's nothing new." Tweek looks at her with a fairly unbelieving look. Karen pats Tweek on the shoulder and shakes her head, "I'm pretty sure everyone at least suspects that. Or something like it."

"Everyone knows?"

"Mhm," Karen nods with a strained smile.

"E-Everyone knows..."

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