In The Sunshine, I Know You Want To

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It wasn't unusual for Stan and Kyle to sneak into each other's rooms using the windows without exactly telling the other. They're super best friends- they have to hang out practically all the time.

So, when Stan got a message from Kenny that simply said "could u tel ur wifey to fuckin answer me" and was shortly followed by another message saying something about a pool party, Stan's first instinct was to just go over and ask Kyle what the fuck Kenny was talking about because he probably had a better idea than Stan did right now.

Stan wasn't always sure if he should act so nonchalant around Kyle. They were sort of dating (or at least, he thought they were but Kyle never confirmed it so he didn't want to push anything), but did that mean he had to act like Kyle's boyfriend and not like his super best friend? Was him acting like they were still only best friends making Kyle think that he didn't want to date him? Stan didn't know, so he was going to wait for Kyle to tell him what he wanted because Stan doesn't know.

So Stan ran over to Kyle's house and climbed up the tree in the yard to get to the roof, to then climb in Kyle's window.

Could he have just gone through the front door? Yes. Was it as fun as secretly climbing a tree? No.

So, Stan popped open the window that Kyle always left unlocked for him, noting that Ike's window was open for some reason that Stan would probably have to tell Kyle about.

Stan climbed inside Kyle's room, closing the window partially as it was when he came in and looked at Kyle who was sleeping in his bed. Wearing Stan's wife beater. Stan felt a tinge of heat staring at Kyle in his clothes. He always liked the way Kyle looked in his jackets and his shirts. They made him look small and it felt like Stan had his claim on him when he wore his stuff.

Stan crawled onto Kyle's bed to be supporting himself above Kyle but not straddling him. He leaned down and peppered Kyle's face in kisses and Kyle made a soft mumbling noise as he gripped Stan's biceps.

"Stan," Kyle whined slightly, "It's too hot for this."

Stan laughed and pulled away from Kyle, still looking down at him. "Are you going to Token's pool party?"

"I don't know," Kyle replies moving his hands slowly up and down Stan's upper arms, making Stan's shiver slightly. "Do you want me to?" Kyle whispers as he looks Stan in the eye. To Stan, there something oddly erotic about it.

Stan slides one of his hands up Kyle's thigh, stopping at the hem of his shirt. "I want you to go," with me is unsaid as he leans down slightly.

Kyle hums and drags his fingers slowly up Stan's arms and then up his neck stopping to caress his jawline.

Stan melts at the simple touch and slips his hand further up Kyle's thigh and keeps going, and going, and then he feel Kyle's jutting hip and he blushes.

"Dude," he whispers looking down at Kyle surprised, "Are you not wearing underwear?"

"It's hot," Kyle says pulling Stan a little closer so he can nip at his shoulder and neck.

Stan nods, "Yeah, it is."

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