Gotta Secret? Swear You'll Keep it?

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Kyle was always weary when people did things out of the ordinary. Yes, he knows that's ironic when he lives in South Park, but he can't help it. People acting differently than they normally do for no good reason is suspicious.

So, when Kyle gets to school (on time, even though he doesn't have a first period) he finds it immediately alarming that Clyde is standing by his locker.

At first, Kyle tries to brush it off. Maybe he's just standing there, it could be coincidence. Then Clyde spots him and he smiles and waves over enthusiastically. At Kyle. He smiles excitedly and waves at Kyle.

Something's up.

Kyle stops at his locker, as he does every morning, and Clyde watches him happily as he spins the lock to put in the combination. Kyle tries his best to not acknowledge Clyde- this can only lead to something horrible, Kyle thinks- but Clyde doesn't care for being ignored.

"Hey Kyle!" He says, overtly. Kyle half cringes to himself. "I thought we could go over chemistry answers this morning. Could you help me?"

Kyle sighs at the loud, unconvincing way Clyde shouts his evidently prepared dialogue at him. "Hi Clyde." Kyle feels a little confused at Clyde's request too, because they didn't have chemistry together, and Kyle wasn't certain Clyde was even taking chemistry this year-

Clyde grabs Kyle's arm, before he can finish opening his locker and yells "Great!" Clyde drags him away toward the bathrooms at the end of the hall and pushes Kyle inside.

Kyle watches unamused as Clyde checks each stall for people and scans around for anyone listening in on them.

"I know," Clyde starts, holding his arms out in a calming manner. Kyle raises an eyebrow.

"You know what?" He replies turning to eye himself in the mirror, "The chemistry answers?"

"No!" Clyde shouts and then sighs melodramatically and steps closer to Kyle. "No, no- ugh- there is no chemistry- why would I- never mind... I know." Clyde reiterates and Kyle feels more confused.

"What do you know?" Kyle mockingly emphasizes.

Clyde smirks, "About you... and Stan." Kyle feels a twinge of panic in his stomach, but ignores it. He didn't want to give anything away.

"What?" Kyle flatly asks.

Clyde lets out a heavy laugh, "I always knew you had a thing for him. I knew it. Everyone told me "no Clyde they're just best friends-" but I knew," Clyde says proudly, "How long have you been in love with him? A week? Two weeks? Your whole life?" Clyde laughs again, pleased with himself.

"What are you talking about?" Kyle deflects.

Clyde gasps in exasperation, "You're in love with Stan- hopelessly mad obviously, might I add, but he doesn't love you, he wants Wendy." Kyle wants to punch himself in the face. Why does no one think Stan wants him back? Is it really that hard to believe?

Kyle sighs, "What's your point?"

Clyde slings his arm around Kyle's shoulders enthused, "Welcome to the club!"

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