We Have So Much in Common, We Argue All The Time

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"What the hell!" Ike shouts, slamming his book shut, "What is with you always barging in without knocking? And don't call slamming into my door knocking- it's not."

Kyle looks around Ike's room for any detail out of place, any hair, any piece of dust. The curtains flutters slightly in the cool breeze of the night. Kyle narrows his eyes as Stan comes to stand behind him in the doorway.

"I heard a noise," Kyle says stepping into his little brother's room, looking around on alert for anything at all. "I wanted to make sure you were okay. Is everything fine?" Kyle stops at the curtain, grabbing it as it's flow stops and he drags his hand down it. Ike and Stan exchange looks behind his back- Ike giving a raised eyebrow and Stan giving him a knowing look.

"Uh, yeah? Everything fine?" Ike says, pushing himself up on his bed, placing his book on his nightstand, "You heard a noise earlier? I didn't hear anything-"

"Me neither!" Stan agrees suddenly and both Broflovski's turning to glare at him. Kyle smirks and closes the window.

"Interesting," Kyle declares walking across the room toward the closet. Ike gulps and looks semi-worriedly at Stan who sadly matches his look. "I could've sworn I heard something- no. No, I heard someone," Kyle says placing a hand on the closet door.

"Why's Stan here?" Ike asks, glaring at Kyle who turns to him, face ever-so slightly pink.

"What?" Kyle fumbles, "What do you mean? He's my best friend. He's almost always here if I am-"

"Aren't you two dating?" Ike asks coldly, "We're you two doing something gross? Like... at the table?"

Kyle chokes slightly at this, looking to the floor. Stan flushes slightly. Ike through him under the bus...

"I don't know what you're talking ab-"

"Oh?" Ike interrupts standing from his bed, "does Stan give you public hand-jobs often? so often you can't remember which one I'm talking about? Are you two both exhibitionists?"

Stan nearly laughs as Kyle's face tones up to nearly match his hair. "Ike! How could you say something like-"

"I'm not voyeuristic! I don't need to know about your weird sexual incounters-"

"Could we, please, stop talking about this?" Stan interrupts abashedly.

"I'd love to," Ike agrees, "I'd like to get back to reading my book. Or sleeping after this."

Kyle glares at Ike as he picks his book back up, a victory for him this time. Kyle marches out of the room, snagging Stan's hand as he leaves dragging him back to his room.

"Goodnight!" Ike calls from his room.

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