Got Your Man Lined in Chalk

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"My plan to what now?" Stan asked. "What are you even talking about?"

Kenny rolls his eyes, "You and Kyle are are planning to get Wendy to go out with you again. This isn't the first time you've done this and like always, you exclude me from your little romance party."

It's a different kind of romance party. Stan thinks. "I think you're confused," Stan laughs.

Kenny tilted his head, "Oh really? Then what are you two doing? Fucking?"

Stan flushes and looks down and rubs the back of his neck to conceal it. "No! No, no. That ridiculous. I just..." I can't tell him about me and Kyle without talking to Kyle first. "I feel stupid trying to get back with Wendy with everyone knowing that I want... her back."

Kenny shakes his head and smiles at Stan, "I'm one of your best friends. I'm only going to make fun of you to further our lovely relationship."

Stan laughs to himself, "What about Cartman? You think I can trust him?"

Kenny leans his head on the door, still smiling. "No. You can't. I think he's even on the opposing side this time instead of the apathetic."

"Really?" This is news to Stan. "Huh."

"Yeah," Kenny says, "Before we get anymore of track, I want to know the plan- and I want you to know you can count me in. And maybe Leo."

Stan smiled widely and strained, "Great. We- Kyle, you, maybe Butters, and I- can make a plan for me... to get... Wendy back."

This was so stupid, but Kyle would totally get it and think of a way out of it. Stan was sure.

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