I'll Beat The Sunrise Again

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Kyle has never been the greatest at controlling his feelings and how he reacts to things. He hot-headed and temperamental (and stubborn, but that doesn't really have anything to do with the last statement).

So when he wakes up in Stan Marsh's bed with a sore back, no underwear, and some of the worst tangles he's ever had in his hair - he's not exactly one hundred percent calm.

In fact, he's pretty much the opposite of calm.

He's just flat out panicked.

He looks down at Stan's sleeping form, then at the clock (reading: 5:45am) and he almost wants to punch himself in the throat.

A rational person might take a second to figure out what they are going to do about this fucked up scenario where they clearly slept with their best friend (perhaps more than that?), or they might get in the shower and deal with it as it happens.

But, Kyle is not currently rational. Besides, Kyle's got a pretty good idea of what happened and that's not exactly the problem. After all, he can't control his feelings- And he can't remember what led them home or, more importantly, who saw them.

So, when he gets out of bed like it was sinking into a lava pit and grabs a random t-shirt off the floor to put on along with his socks (which were surprisingly easy to find compared to his still lost shirt and pants) while picking up his phone, keys, and shoes to sprint out the door -  you could say he wasn't exactly thinking.

Well, he was but it wasn't anything other than: oh shit. I need to get home, now.

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