Secrets I Have Held in My Heart

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"Sta-" Kyle's cut off immediately as his back collided with one of the pillars under the bleachers. Stan's lips are on his instantly, hungry and, Kyle suspects, angry.

Kyle reciprocated slowly, combing his fingers through his hair before pulling Stan off of him. Or, at least his lips off of him.

"Dude," Kyle starts, moving his hands to Stan's shoulders to keep him away so he can talk, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Stan's grumbles our gruffly before attempting to resume kissing, but Kyle turns his head and evades.

"Something's up," Kyle declares, "and we should talk about it-"

"We don't have to."

Kyle sighs, pushing slightly on Stan's shoulders again. "I want to," He says quietly, sweetly, and Stan feels the tips of his ears burn.

Stan buries his face in Kyle's neck, Kyle let's him, sensing a shift in mood. "Why do you let him flirt with you so much?"

Kyle is stunned, and unsure he heard Stan correctly. He remains quiet as he shifts his hands to rub over Stan's shoulders. "What?"

"You're always letting Ken do things with you..." Stan trails off, but the accusation in his words makes Kyle blush.

"What do you mean?" Kyle chuckles quietly, "You know you're the only one I want to be with. No one else."

Stan snuggles into Kyle's neck further, tightening his grip around Kyle's waist. "I know," but will you always feel that way?

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