I Won't Teach Your Boyfriend how to Dance

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Kyle got up and left his lunch table to go find Stan who wasn't at lunch. Finally, he found him at his locker.

Stan turned when he heard him approaching. "Oh, hey Kyle, what's-"

"Are planning on dating Wendy?" Kyle asks, sounding a lot more broken up about it than he wanted to. "If that was your plan you could have told me. I wouldn't have been mad about it- I swear."

Stan nods slowly, taking in what Kyle's saying. "Uh I take it you talked to Kenny?"

Kyle nods, crestfallen, "I did. I get it. I didn't really care that-"

"I'm not getting back with Wendy."

Kyle's head shoots up, "You're not? For serious?"

"Seriously." Stan closes his locker, then leans on it with a sigh. "Kenny was asking me what you and I have been hiding from him."

Kyle tilts his head, "We haven't hidden anything from him?"

Stan raises an eyebrow, "Kind of. He was referring to us being together."

"Oh," Kyle says. Sometimes he forgets that they aren't public about any of their romance. At all. "Right..."

"Yeah," Stan stands up, "I wasn't really sure what to do, then he asks if we were making a plan for me to get back with Wendy and I kinda just agreed. I promise you I don't want to get back with her, I just know that you don't want us to come out yet."

Kyle nods slowly, feeling overwhelming in love with Stan for being so stupid and yet so caring. Kyle smiles at Stan before grabbing Stan's collar and kissing him softly.

"Thanks, dude," Kyle's murmur close to Stan's face, "for thinking about me and all. It's... sweet... but you're an idiot, and we're going to have to fix this somehow."

Stan pecks Kyle's lips quickly, "I take it you have a plan."

Kyle nods, "Sort of."

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