Help- I Need Somebody

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Kyle was really trying to write his paper for his composition class- he was- but after writing a (awful, so bad he'd have to rewrite it) introduction, he'd kind of zoned out, watching the cursor blink on the screen. It was taunting him- mocking his inability to think, to concentrate. It was nearly frustrating.

If he wasn't already frustrated.

Stan was acting weird after his practice had finished. At first, Kyle assumed it had something to do with Kenny's overly touchy-feely friendship, but after Stan dropped Kyle off at his house and went home.... Kyle wasn't so sure anymore. Hell, his mother even found it weird, questioning him about why he and Stan weren't hanging out.

God, did he want to know the same thing.

Stan, on the other hand, went to go find someone who was bound to be helpful and give good advice for relationship problems. He already felt awkward and embarrassed just knocking at the door, to be fair, they didn't exactly get along...

When the door swings open revealing a short blonde, Stan isn't sure what he's most surprised by.

"Hello, Tweek...?" Stan starts, attempting to shake off his heavily growing embarrassment.

Tweek seems... out of it, simply put. He's got on a shirt that isn't his (Stan doesn't have to wonder whose it is because he doesn't know a lot of Red Racer enthusiasts around here) and appears as though he just woke up. His hair even seeming more wild than usual.

"...hi?" Tweek finally replies, hoarsely and Stan is suddenly feeling more uncomfortable.

Stan doesn't flounder in the silence for long, "Um can I talk to Craig?"

Tweek nods, slowly, dazed. He drifts back into the Tucker residence, leaving the door open for Stan to follow him inside. Stan steps in, closing the door, and unsure of where Tweek went.

Stan wanders into the living room, and sits down in a chair. He scans around the room, still feeling vaguely uncomfortable. He just felt like he might've been oblivious to something important.

A minute or two later, he hears someone stomping downstairs. This someone turns the corner into the living room and Stan is unsurprised to discover it's Craig, but is slightly surprised by the angry vibe he's giving off.

"Marsh," Craig growls out, narrowing his eyes further, "The fuck do you want."

"Uh actually I wanted to ask you something-"

"This better be fuckin' good," Craig says, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

Stan feels his ears burn, "Well, um, you're dating Tweek," he says, dumbly. He can tell by the look on Craig's face that he's quickly losing patience with him, so he blurts out: "How did you propose to Tweek?"

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