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I went to a school dance yesterday. In this chapter, I share my experience.
Also, sorry for the shortage of dialogue.
My friends and I didn't talk much.
And warning: profanity!

Sweaty teenagers. Very few of them, and mostly staff workers hanging decor everywhere. Veronica clasped her hands with witch gloves on, smiling as she approached the group of teenagers. "Lance, Lance's posse!"
She greeted. Lance retaliated with a uncertain scowl. "Now," she cleared her throat as more students walked through the front door.

"Why are you all here? To get drunk and grind on each other? Well, you can go to Tulsa for that. Not Arbor or Halle, so if you're here for that reason specifically, you should go." Being an ambassadorial figure for HCAA, Veronica was strict on these types of events. Her school's reputation meant everything to her.

Keith eyed around the area, kids that looked about fifth-sixth grade-ish were running around the auditorium like they were in the Olympics. Girls in the eighth grade where trying to twerk, until they were repeatedly lectured by school officials. The school's environment was light-hearted. Romelle smiled as Veronica walked away.

"So," she began, waltzing forward. "You ready to disobey Veronica's orders?" She sang.
Allura smiled, taking her hand. "Of course." She nodded, and the two ran forward with excitement. Pidge, Lance, and Keith shared a look of wonder. Shiro and Adam were standing on the sidelines, already stealing candy from the tables. All of them could clearly see that James and his group of friends were laughing and making snapchats, though they also  noticed Ryan and Nadia kept a distance.

Pidge immediately regretted her decision of coming here. Sitting down, Lance gestured for Pidge to come sit on his lap. Keith instructed him to move down, and they argued for awhile.
"Move down, fat-ass!" He yelled. Lance shushed him as he made way for the boy to fit on the other side of the chair. Veronica glanced at them with glaring eyes.

Pidge checked the time. 6:13 p.m.

More and more people started flowing in, and eventually the school's auditorium was filled with sex craved-hormonal-sweaty-teens. Damn. What a job Veronica had.

The music started, and Pidge was pulled by a couple of dudes who wanted to dance with her. After Lance stared with unapproved eyes, and Keith yelled in their faces, they went away.

For most of the party, Shiro and Adam sat around eating bubble gum. They couldn't with the 'Let's go dance!' Or 'Hey, let's have some fun!' It was all for teens. Very little college students attended the dance. It was inevitable, they were left out.


The end of the dance was near, and the last hour was around the corner. It was two in the morning, and Lance was out. He'd had so much to drink—too much to drink. Veronica's rules were disobeyed to the maximum, and people brand in alcohol and probably drugs. They spited drinks, and all the sex was happening in the bathroom. It was more of an orgy. All staff members and officials left around twelve, leaving the party in the ambassador's hands.

Pidge was dancing with whoever the hell she wanted now that Keith was too busy drinking his life away with Lance, though Lance was the one to drink more. Those two were so stubborn. Shiro and Adam left, they were done by one a.m. Allura and Romelle were so drunk that they giggled all the way out the door. The DJ was switched over the shifts, and the music was fire, like amazing.

For instance, at the moment, Lucid Dreams was playing. Pidge didn't have any thing to drink, she was a good child. A boy named Rolo came up to her and asked to dance, he offered her a drink. "Come on, beautiful. I think we've had fun, why don't we have some more?" He handed the drink to her. He was clearly drunk, and she'd seen him around town before. . .
he was always with a familiar face when spotted, though. He was always with Nyma.

Nyma, as in Lance's first girlfriend ever.

"No thanks," she politely declined. The current music died down, and a new song started. Yet Rolo insisted, "What's that? I know beautiful girls accept any gift from a guy," he pushed the glass her face once again. This time, she grabbed it, smacked his face with it, and the concoction went flying to the surrounding areas. It didn't smell like any alcohol which she had a sip from Matt or Mom, and Colleen stress-drunk a lot.

Many people backed up as Pidge raised her voice. "You think you could get me to drink some unknown substance because you called me beautiful? I didn't realize 'til now, you guys are such dickheads! I guess I never thought about it because I have actual guy friends who care and don't use me as a puppet like a certain somebody named Nyma!" Pidge yelled, scolding. This didn't surprise others in the slightest. Pidge looked fierce, and damn right she was.

Marching over to the tables, Pidge grabbed Lance who'd been a giggly drunk mess, Again.
Keith wasn't a lightweight, and he was more sane than both Lance and Pidge at the moment. "What happened?" Keith asked, concerned. Lance was giggly, and not in his right mind at all, so he responded "She got smashed by some dude, Keef!" He laughed.
Pidge rolled her eyes, smacking his arm.

"I'll tell you when we get home. C-Come on," she mumbled, though loud enough for Keith to hear. He nodded, dragging Lance up. He whined and complained about not wanting to leave. Keith threatened "You come with us right now, or I'll have Matt, Rachel, and Veronica come get you in the morning." He smirked slyly while Lance snarled at him.

"Whatever, Mullet." Lance relented his decision, walking slowly. Keith realized this was too slow of a pace. Holding his hand and walking forward, they both smiled. Oh, and Lance giggled a little.

Yes, this was actually my experience. Kids spited drinks, and this dude offered something like champagne to my best friend (Rosemary) and she threw the drunk in his face like a badass!
I actually go to a school named HCAA, not HCCA:

It stands for Halle Creational Arts Academy. There is also a school Arbor
(a.r.b.o.r)I just wanted to give an idea of how the school's in this book were named.

Bubble Tea {Klance, Adashi, Machel, Hidge/Punk!} [Voltron Fanfiction] (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now