Chapter 3

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Hotel Texas, Fort Worth


Jack and Jackie were exhausted. They’d just got in past the massive crowd outside the hotel and were now in the elevator on the way up to their suite. The agents could see the weariness in the First Lady’s eyes but she looked happy.

As they headed up Jackie slipped out of her shoes and carried them. She was now considerably smaller than Jack. “Did you enjoy today?” Jack asked turning to look at his wife.

“Yes but oh gosh I’m exhausted.”

“Me too but today was great.”

When they arrived on their floor they went to their room. An agent went to hold the door but Jack got it, Jackie smiled and unlocked their room door. “Thanks bunny.”

“Night guys, take it easy.” Jack said turning to his agents.

“Good night Mr President.”

Jack closed the door and flopped down on to the sofa. “My back.” Jack moaned.

“Is it bad?”

“It’ll be better after a sleep.”

“I’m going to change.”


While Jackie was in her room, Jack went to his room. He changed into his pyjamas relieving the pressure on his back. He then went through to Jackie’s room. She was sitting in her bed up against the pillows looking over tomorrow’s schedule.

“Today was such fun Jack; I can’t wait to help you next year.” Jackie said taking his hand.

He caressed her hand with his thumb. “I’m glad, I love having you by my side.”

She cuddled into him resting her head on his chest. “Right I need to go to sleep, I love you.” Jackie smiled.

Jack laughed. “I love you too, sleep well kid.” He kissed the top of her head before switching her light off. When he got to his bed he got in and quickly fell asleep, it had been a hectic day.


Jackie was lying awake, she felt scared and nervous. She got up silently and went through to Jack’s room. He was lying snoring; she smiled softly before crawling in beside him. He looked so cute.

As she got in Jack jerked awake. “Jackie, are you okay?” Jack asked placing a hand on her arm.

“Yeah I just couldn’t sleep…..I was scared.”

“You don’t need to be scared I’m right here.” Jack said calmly.

Jackie nodded and cuddled in to him. He wrapped her in his arms and drifted back to sleep as did Jackie.


Jack was woken by a loud pounding on the bedroom door. Jack rolled on to his back. Jackie was still beside him. He soon saw Kenny standing in the doorway. “Sorry to wake you sir but we need you downstairs soon.”


Jack gently stroked his wife’s cheek. “Wake up kid.”

Jackie slowly woke up; she smiled when her eyes met Jack’s. “Morning.”

“Did you sleep okay?” Jack asked.


He kissed her. “I need to go I have to go give a speech.”


“I can’t wait to see you in your pink suit.”

Jackie giggled.

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