Chapter 18

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Jackie Kennedy’s Car

“Thanks for taking me to the movies.” Jackie smiled.

“No problem we need to keep you cheery.” Joan replied.

Jackie suddenly turned her head and looked out of the window.


“Oh Joan why does God do this to people? It was hard enough losing Patrick.”

“I know Jackie but you still have Jack and two beautiful children things will get easier, I promise you that.”

“When Joan? I can’t take any more heartache.”

Joan gently rubbed her sister in laws back. “Soon Jackie….soon.”

“I thought I was doing okay till I saw how upset Jack was….it’s affected him badly.”

“He’ll get through it….he has Bobby. They understand each other.”

Jackie nodded. “I just want to be with him for a night without the kids so we can talk properly about what happened.”

“I’ll ask Bobby to keep Caroline and John tonight.”

“Thank you Joansie.” Jackie said as she hugged her.

Jack and Jackie’s House

When the ladies got home they joined the men in the living room. “Did you have a good day bunny?” Jackie asked as she sat down next to him.

“Yeah I did, you?”


“Bobby, would it be okay if Caroline and John stayed with you tonight?” Joan asked. “Jackie said she wanted a night alone with Jack.”

Bobby leaned closer to her. “Sure.”

“What are you two whispering about?” Jack asked.

“Oh nothing.” Bobby lied.

Jack nodded.

“We should really go, shouldn’t we Joan?” Bobby said.


“I’ll show you out.” Jack said.

Joan went to get the car while Bobby stood with Jack at the door. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier about not wanting to be here, forget I said it.”

“I will, I’m just glad you’re feeling a bit better.”

“Thanks mate.”

Bobby smiled and headed off. Jack closed the door and went to join Jackie.

He sat down and wrapped his arms around her; she gently rested her head against his arm. “I love you so much Jack.”

“I love you too Jackie, I never want to lose you.”

Jackie squeezed his hand. “You’ll never lose me bunny.”

He gingerly kissed her head.

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