Chapter 10

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Jack was sitting in the chair beside Jackie’s bed, he kept yawning. He hadn’t had any food since breakfast and was feeling extremely stressed. “Bunny, why don’t you go back to the hotel and sleep?” Jackie suggested.

“Then I’d have to leave you.”

“I need to sleep too, Jack it’s for the best.”

“Are you sure.”

“Positive, I’ll be fine.”

“Ok.” Jack said getting to his feet. He kissed her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

When he entered the corridor Kenny was waiting. “How long have you been out here?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Ok what do you need?”

“The press have been updated about Lyndon and Connelly but nothing has been said as to why you weren’t in the motorcade, we need to tell them about Jackie.”

Jack hesitated. “No I can’t deal with it right now.”


“I said no….”

“Can we just say Mrs Kennedy was hospitalised.” Kenny pleaded.


With that Jack and his secret service headed to the hotel, it was quite close to the hospital.

When Jack reached the hotel, he noticed there were no crowds. He relaxed slightly and headed inside. After checking in he headed up to the room. All of his and Jackie’s stuff were there.

After he’d closed the door he yanked his tie off and chucked it on the bed. He’d just taken his clothes of when someone knocked on the door. He sighed and unlocked it. Ladybird was standing. “Oh Mrs Johnson come in. Sorry I’m not really dressed I wasn’t expecting company.” Jack said looking down at his t-shirt and boxers.

“Oh no its fine I just needed someone to talk to and I found out you were also staying in the hotel.”

Jack slumped down on to the sofa. “Would you like a drink?”

“Oh no I’m fine thank you.”

“You don’t mind if I have one do you?” Jack asked.

“Of course not Mr President.”

Jack got a beer out of the mini bar. He was sitting drinking while Ladybird talked. “I’m just glad Lyndon’s going to be okay, I feel so bad about everything.”

“Jack it’s not your fault Jackie needed you.”

“I know….”

Ladybird could tell the President was devastated. “How far along was Jackie?”

“Seven weeks.”

“I’m sure you’ll have another.”

“I’m not so sure….” Jack mumbled.

After half an hour Ladybird stood up. “I should go I disrupted your evening.”

“Oh no it’s fine; I was just going to drink alone.”

Ladybird smiled. “Night sir.”


Jack had a cigar before crawling into bed. He didn’t realise it but he was exhausted.

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