Chapter 39

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Sunday 6th September 1964

GW Hospital

Jack was sitting rubbing his wife’s hand. “I’ll be in their shortly I just need to put some scrub clothes on.”

“Ok bunny I love you.”

“I love you too.” Jack replied. He kissed her tenderly.

Today was the caesarean, they weren’t taking any chances. When Jackie was wheeled away Jack pulled scrubs on and a hat. He was then guided into the surgery room when he was told to.

Jackie was lying with a sheet hiding her stomach. He was seated beside her head holding her hand. When he sat down she laughed. “You look funny.”

“Thanks Jackie.”

“No problem but that hat….”

Jack glared at her.

“When’s the final debate?”

“End of October.”

“I’ll be there.” Jackie smiled.

He was caressing her hand when she smiled. “What?”

“This is the first time you’ve ever been at the birth of one of your children.”

“That’s true.”

Even though they were trying to keep the mood light, they were both worried in case something happened to the baby.

They made small talk as they waited. Jack was holding her hand tightly he didn’t plan on ever letting it go.

After a while the room filled with a small cry. Jack and Jackie turned to look at each other. They burst into tears. “Oh Jack.”


“Mr President, Mrs Kennedy meet your new daughter.” The doctor said holding her up.

“She’s beautiful.” Jackie smiled through her tears.

“We’ll take her to the nursery while we stich you up.”

Jackie nodded.

“I’ll see you shortly kid.” Jack said standing up.


Jack got up and left the room.  His agents followed quickly behind. He never said anything but when he got into the changing room he leaned against the door. He cried tears of happiness.

Outside his agents could hear him; they smiled to each other knowing how much relief the First Couple must be feeling.

After he’d changed he emerged into Jackie’s room. She wasn’t back yet so he went out into the corridor. “Is it alright if I go down to the nursery?”

“Of course sir.”

When Jack reached the nursery he went over to the cot with the secret service agent. “Can you leave me?” Jack asked.

The agent nodded and left.

Jack smiled as he stood watching his daughter. She was completely healthy and a good weight. He gently picked her up and cradled her. She wrapped his finger in her hand. Jack grinned and gently stroked her head.

An Hour Later

Jack was sitting waiting on Jackie coming round. She was fine, there had been no complications and she felt well.

“Jack when can I go and see her?” Jackie asked for the millionth time.

“We can go now; I’ll push you in the wheel chair.”

Jackie smiled as she slid out of bed. Jack stood up and pushed her through the corridors. They were nearly at the nursery when Jackie made her husband stop. “Kid what’s wrong?”

“Look at that boy.” Jackie whispered.

Jack looked up and saw a boy maybe in his early teens with one of his arms and one of his legs in plaster. The nurse was just walking past when Jack stopped her. “What happened to that boy?”

“He was in a car crash with his mother, sadly she was killed. When he recovers he’s going to live with his Father in New Hampshire.”

“What’s his name?”


“Ok thank you.”

Jack and Jackie continued into the nursery and went straight over to their daughter. Jack picked her up and placed her in Jackie’s arms. “Oh Jack she’s perfect.” Jackie said breaking into tears.

“I know she really is.” Jack said feeling chocked up.

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