1| Jungkook

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Jungkook slid his 'Music Theory' notebook into his bookbag and followed the rest of the students out of the classroom. The soundtrack of friendly greetings accompanied the tall, dark-haired man as he made his way through the halls. He filtered outside and past the quad, detouring onto the main sidewalk.

That wasn't for him. Socializing, that is. He simply focused on his work and on his family. Of course Yoongi hyung was an exception, but the younger didn't often initiate 'hang-time' with the elder. Right now, what Jungkook craved was the ivory keys of the glossy black piano. The café he was employed at, The Jazz Café, paid him to play for hours. His fingers itched for it, the release received from playing out his woes.

He slid in the back door of said establishment and deposited his bag in an empty locker. He ducked his head to the owner, Kim Seokjin, in greeting.

"Good afternoon Jungkook. I didn't know you were working today." Jin greeted him.

It was such a casual statement, with no malice or teasing intentions. All the same, Jungkook smiled sheepishly and eyed the piano.

"I just...feel like playing today... If that's alright?" He forced the words out of his mouth.

Jin laughed good naturedly, "Of course it's alright! Enjoy!"

Thanking the owner, Jungkook eagerly hurried over to his favorite instrument. He sat on the smooth polished bench and breathed in the smell of home, opening the lid to reveal the gleaming white keys. He didn't bother with the formality of sheet music. Anything he wanted to play was memorized and filed away in his mind. He began with a slow song, mournful and rich in harmony.He didn't need to wait for the rest of the band, they'd catch on when they arrived.

He was so immersed in the piano, he lost track of time. He looked up once when the drummer, Hoseok, arrived and they nodded a greeting. After that he kept his eyes closed, letting the rhythm of the drums direct his fingers along the keys. He remained in his trance until the drummer tapped him lightly.

"Take 5 with us Kook?"

Hunger won out and he found himself following Hoseok to a corner table, nodding thanks to the spurts of applause that followed their descent from the platform.

Jungkook listened silently as the group around him exchanged stories about their days. He chowed down on bread and rice. He didn't need to speak and, knowing his quiet tendencies, they didn't pressure him to participate in the conversation. Instead, his thoughts drifted to his own day. In particular, the term assignment from his 'Music Composition' professor. The class had all been paired off, except for one odd student, himself, which he relished. The project required students to compose a duet to play with their partner. One he did not have. All he needed to do was write a piano piece Professor Namjoon approved of and he would have an easy A.

They finished break and then their shift. Jungkook politely excused himself and left for his dorm. He needed to do some homework anyway. He tossed his bag on his bed and kicked off his shoes. He changed into sweatpants and a oversized t-shirt. He poured himself a glass of oj from the fridge and sat himself down at his desk. His Music Theory homework spread out in front of him, and with a sigh, he set about completing it.

Hours later he rolled over in bed to halt the notes tumbling out of his phone. The alarm was a sweet melody this morning, and Jungkook didn't mind that it woke him. He showered and dressed for his 9 o'clock lecture on Music Composition. He ate some leftover ramen and checked his messages. He had 3.

Want to get smth after mc 2day?

Sure, c u ftr class.

The next messages were from his family.

How was your first day? ♥

It was great eomma!

He typed out the exaggerated truth. Sure he like his classes, but it was a lot of work. Still, he would never let his Mom know he was stressed.

Have good classes

Thanx will do

The answers were short, but that was just his way. He was curious as to why Yoongi suddenly wanted to do something with him. The elder was usually as socially lazy as himself. Maybe he's finally asked out his crush, or vice versa. Hopefully he'd make some progress soon. Yoongles deserved to be happy.

He piled his papers up and stuck the homework in his folder, which in turn found its way into his backpack. He slipped his wallet into the pocket of his black jeans and headed out for the school.

The buses were slow and Jungkook had to jog for the last stretch of his morning journey. To his surprise he arrived with time to spare. He pushed open the heavy oaken doors and took a breath to steel himself against the coming day.

Hi everybody! This is my first published Taekook fan fiction. They will meet soon I promise! I hope to update once a week, but with school that may not happen. I hope you all like it!

There will be some inconsistencies like with their rl personalities and facts, but I do try to know what I'm talking about. Let me know if anything looks weird and I'll try to fix it! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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