48| Namjoon

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It was the last day of the semester and Joon couldn't help but wonder who was more nervous, himself or his students. Jin had been busy the entire week due to the students taking off for exams and final assignments. Joon himself was witness to more than a few students' mental breakdowns and did his best to give them as much free time in his lecture periods as possible. He didn't have the heart to wake up front row student Chaeyong and he turned music up loudly to cover the quiet weeping of a few back row students. The second hand stress was driving him insane.

But today was for assessing their partner projects. Students were filing in, energy seeming a bit higher with anticipation, they filled in their seats, shuffled through papers or cleaned their instruments, tuning them and talk animatedly amongst each other.

The gang arrived, coffees in hand and eyes bright right as he was preparing to close the doors. They handed him a coffee with a sticky note attached and took their seats, offering quiet apologies at their almost being late.

He smiled fondly at the sticky note which had a good morning and a heart scrawled across it in Jin's long stroked  handwriting.

"Alright everyone, I know we're all really excited for this two week break, I am too, like seriously excited. Whatever," he chuckled and the class granted him a chuckle in return, "But for today, we have a longer than usual class. We have the concert auditorium and i've invited some friends to watch your performances. So let's all do our best. Let's head over there now."

He lead the way to the auditorium, propping the door open and then making his way up the steps to the raised stage.

He waited for the students to fill in the seats and close the door.

"Okay, i've been really excited to hear your works since the preview. We're gonna do this by volunteer again. Just state your names and the title of your piece for grading. My guests are in that row behind you as you can see and your fellow classmates are all here to hear your work today so give us your best."

He adjusted his glasses and gave them one last encouraging smile before making his way to his own seat. Jin leaned over and kissed his cheek. Irene waved from a few seats over and Hoseok's eyes were glued to a certain pair of people near the back of those seated. A few of the boys who worked at the cafe were settled in the row behind them.

Joon felt himself smile, but adjusted the papers in front of him to fill out the names of the first two on stage. He was absorbed in the music, the tone, rhythm, theme. He was proud of his students. Almost all of them had taken this seriously and produced a work worthy of production. He wanted to keep all of these and listen to them over and over again.

Yoongi and Jimin's turn came and they earned a raptured hush from the students and Namjoon alike. He felt Jin squeeze his leg, but he didn't have it in him to tear his eyes away from the duet. Yoongi's skill on the piano was undeniable, his fingers flew over the keys and the volume rose and fell, alternating evenly to highlight Jimin's parts. It was jazzy and classy and Namjoon would listen to it over and over if he could. 

The two came to sit at the end of Joon's row with Hoseok, sending greetings down the line and thanking people for their compliments.

Around this point, volunteers mumbled amongst themselves on who would play next so their was a lapse between applause and the next piece.

"That was amazing, so you think they'd record it some time, if we asked?" Jin whispered, "I loved it!"

"You should ask, I'd love a copy myself." Joon hummed, filling out the grading paper for the next group and trying to refocus and not wonder how Hoseok was holding up after that.

The room fell quiet and the groups filtered through performances until Namjoon only had three forms left.

Jungkook and Taehyung took their places,  hands brushing together as they sorted through meticulously hand written music sheets. This would be the first time most of the students heard Taehyung's playing and definitely the first time they'd heard Jungkook's unabashed talents.

The piece started with Jungkook's soft carefree playing, light content sound filled the auditorium and then Taehyung took up his bow, excited curious strains of music. He paused, smiling as Jungkook touched his fingers tentatively to the keys, tapping out a nervous answer. And then Taehyung smirked, his fingers twitched and then he was chasing Jungkook's notes. The two ran around each other in a flurry of intense sound, louder and louder and faster and faster and then Taehyung's sound dropped off, he dropped his arm, breathing heavily.

Jungkook stared at him over the piano, quiet notes mocking Taehyung's previous notes, pocking and prodding. They stared at each other across the stage and then Taehyung hopped back into the melody. The two played in a soft harmony, slowing and slowing and then just silence, hanging open with potential.

Namjoon felt his hands moving together before he heard their applause, everyone was clapping, it was beautiful. Jungkook moved to Tae's side, pressing a kiss to his cheek before he gathered their papers, following Taehyung off the stage. Somebody whooped and the couple laughed, hands clasped together as they made their way up through the seats to sit with Yoongi and Jimin.

Namjoon was buzzing through the last two performances, he had to go to the stage after the last two left.

"Wow," He smiled, pulling his glasses off his nose and swiping at his eyes. "I am so proud of you all today. You all did your best and I really felt that sincerety. I'm so proud." 

The students awed at him while he chuckled through his proud music dad tears. "No, I mean it, go enjoy your break, you deserve it. Merry Christmas everyone."

They chorused back with holiday wishes of their own, moving past people to meet others. Jin was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps and Joon wrapped an arm around his waist and tugged him close, kissing his lips briefly. 

"We should go get something to eat." 

"We're going to the cafe, I convinced my favorite pairs to play for me."

okay happy new year merry christmas, how r u babes, i feel like this is coming to a close but we'll see where the next few chapters take us :) ily vote and comment <3 if you want :,)

i know its been ages and im as consistently inconsistent as ever, im trying to find it in me to write as much as i used to,  i had been so excited starting this story and i feel that whenever im working on it, but that isnt as driving a force as it used to be, im trying to take care of myself and keep up on all of my stories, so i guess ill just have to pace myself. check out my other books, theyll keep you busy between updates i promise lol 

how was your holiday?

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