36| Taehyung

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Jeongguk looked small and happy, a fuzzy blush of pink dusting his complexion. Taehyung wanted that look to stay on his face, its preservation was priority. So, on their leisurely walk to Jin's cafe, they stopped for ice cream and ate their treats in the park on the swings. Holland walked past, waving slightly to Tae and giving Jeongguk a pleasant smile.

"Is he a friend of Jimin's?" Gguk whispered.

"I don't think Jimin talks to him much, but we've seen each other around the dorms. Remember when Jimin was drunk?"

Gguk nodded, licking some ice cream from his lip.

"That's when we met him, his name's Holland."

"Oh, I think I've heard people in class talking about his vocals. He's supposed to be awesome. I forgot about that." (Me too bubs)

Tae pouted, "As awesome as me?"

Jeongguk giggled. "Holland could never."

They decided they should get to the cafe before much more time passed and they threw away the rest of their melty desserts. At the cafe, they were met with Hyungwon's pursed lips and Hobi's loud laughter.

"Hobi you shouldn't make fun of Wonnie." Tae frowned. "What if his boyfriend is in town?"

Hobi laughed, "Wonho's not real, there can't be two Hoseoks."

Hyungwon scoffed, "Call me stringbean one more time and he isn't gonna play nice when he picks me up today."

"Oh! Can we meet him!" Gguk said, gripping Taehyung's hand tighter.

It made Tae smile, the hand in his and Gguk's willingness to meet someone new. It was a shy side of Jeongguk, seemingly emboldened more and more and Tae only hoped he was a help to the cause.

Hyungwon agreed easily, smiling as he left to take his place on the stage, saxophone held carefully in his slim fingers. Jeongguk followed, biting his lip in excitement to be playing so much earlier than he'd expected to.

Taehyung took a seat at the long counter. Today was a band and vibes day. Words didn't fit in. He could see that and he didn't mind sitting on the sidelines, enjoying the sound and the sight of his boyfriend playing his heart out.

He fished his phone from his pocket as it buzzed.

Where did u go?

Café, u coming?
I'm not singing today

Defs I'll bring yoongs


He smiled. He and Jimin had been spending little time together recently, but as long as they met up like this, that was alright.

It didn't take long for Jimin and Yoongi to appear, Jimin obnoxiously dragging Taehyung into a vigorous headlock and Yoongi raising himself onto a stool. He seemed not to care about Tae's imminent death.

"Please stop smushing Taetae, Min, he needs to breathe sometimes." Gguk voiced, appearing at their side while the band filed off the stage to take a break.

Giggling, Jimin let go, guiding Yoongi from his stool to the empty table right next to them. "C'mon."

"How was your progress check?" Yoongi asked, nudging Jeongguk's arm with his.

"I think we did a good job." He smiled easily. "Yours?"

"Yoongi killed it!" Jimin said, grabbing Yoongi's arm, "I just wanna watch him play all the time."

Yoongi's face heated at the praise, "You played well too Minnie."

Jimin smiled up at him, scrunching his eyes at the praise.

Minhyuk set a plate in front of Gguk, who thanked him while he took the rest of the tables orders.

"I think Wonho's on his way, he probably stopped to see Shownu in his way over."

"Who's Wonho?" Jimin pouted.

"He's Hyungwon's boyfriend." Tae explained, nudging Gguk to eat before his break ended.

The boy in question pouted lightly, wanting to wait, but knowing he may not have time. Reluctantly, he took subtle bites to stretch out how long he could sit with them.

Taehyung spent the next two hours with Yoongi and Jimin, and alternately, Minhyuk, because Minhyuk is hilarious. He filled their glasses everytime they were low and kept offering extra food, promising to put it on Wonho's future tab.

It was close to closing time when the door opened and Tae caught sight of Hyungwon smiling right up to his eyes. The person who came in was tall, built, and definitely intimidating, but his face was soft and his fluffy brown hair fell over his eyes. Professor Shownu from the dance department was behind him, as well as a shorter, lean man, with sharp feature. His hair was a shocking red, swept up from his forehead.

"Wonnie!" Minhyuk yelped.

Hyungwon played a few more notes, but gave up his effort after a nod of consent from Jin. He set down his saxophone and ran down the steps, weaving through the nearly empty tables to jump into Wonho's outstretched arms.

"You're back."

"I'm home now." Wonho assured him.

Taehyung looked away at that moment, feeling as though he were watching something more private than he should be allowed to see. The rest of their close-knit friend group huddled close in a tight cluster of hugs, even as Minhyuk's boyfriend and another boy entered the cafe and joined in the chaos.

I'm sorry I'm crying I just really want an ot7 reunion cuz I miss my babies. P.s. stream MX's new music video,, so soft. I think it's called Wish on the Sky (?)

I'm trying to get more plot twists ready so... gear up for that

And thank you all for supporting my stories,, it means so much to me

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